Jacques Sampeur

Six candidates wanting to be the next Prime Minister of Haiti

Six candidates wanting to be the next Prime Minister of Haiti

here is a picture of the Six candidates who want to become the next Prime Minister of Haiti under Head of State, Jocelerme Privert

Mirlande Manigat, presented by the JISTIS platform

Edgard Leblanc Fils, proposed by the majority bloc in the Chamber of Deputies

Fritz Jean, proposed by the civil society and human rights organizations

Jacques Sampeur, proposed by the G30,

Joanas Gay, proposed by the platform Vérité

Simon Dieuseul Desras, presented by the platform Palmis

During his first press conference on February 19th, 2016, Jocelerme Privert, the provisional president of Haiti, announced the names of six probable contenders for the Prime Minister's seat. They were: Ms. Myrlande Manigat (representing JISTIS platform), economist Fritz Jean (proposed by the civil society and human rights organizations), former Senator Edgard Leblanc Fils (proposed by the majority bloc in the Chamber of Deputies and the minority bloc in the Senate of the Republic), Jacques Sampeur (proposed by the G30), former Senator Simon Dieuseul Desras (proposed by the platform Palmis) and former Minister Joanas Gay (proposed by the platform Vérité). However, after extensive discussions in the Parliament on Wednesday, February 24, that number reduced to three, Mirlande Manigat, Edgar Leblanc Fils and Fritz Jean. Finally, economist Fritz Jean was chosen by Haiti's provisional President Jocelerme Privert on late Thursday, on February 25, 2016.

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Creating a Verification Commission for the Election

Creating a Verification Commission for the Election

Toward the creation of a Verification Commission in Haiti.

On Monday, April 11, 2016, the Interim President Jocelerme Privert sent letters to all political parties, whether represented in the Parliament or not, to discuss the establishment of an Electoral Verification Commission. The discussion would start from April 12, 2016, as per the terms of the Commission as mentioned before. The Head of the State has said, it is his obligation to define the role of the Commission based on the consensus of all involved stakeholders to avoid all future crises. We might remember that in last month, even the Haitian Human Rights Leaders, composing coalition of RNDDH, CNO, CONHANE and SOFA, had recommended the necessity of a verification process to uphold Haitians' right to vote and to avoid a major political and electoral crisis.

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Haiti presidential candidate, Jacques Sampeur

Haiti presidential candidate, Jacques Sampeur

Here is a picture of Radio personality Jacques Sampeur who is a candidate in Haiti presidential Election on 2015.

Jacques Sampeur, a presidential candidate from Konbit Liberasyon Ekonomik party is different from others in his league on many counts. While his other contenders are making a plethora of promises, he prefers to speak sensibly and identify the real deterrent causes, which if removed can make our lives easier. He believes his countrymen are matured enough to think and decide, but need some good representatives whom they can trust. He believes a good representative's agenda should be based on the following premises: modernizing agriculture to lower food cost, create quality education, rebuild poor neighborhoods, modernizing Haitian cities to reduce the load of population explosion in Port-au-prince, create environment to draw investment and tourism, mentor youth, facilitate wealth for the middle class, create an agency which will be dedicated to the improvement of Haitian-Dominican relationship. Jacques Sampeur is a radio personality and the director of ATV 42. He understands and admits that there are very few leaders who would ever want to achieve them other than making false promises, because they all run for power and nothing else.

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