
Jean-Bertrand Aristide And Wife Mildred Aristied Discussing Plan To Return To Haiti

Jean-Bertrand Aristide And Wife Mildred Aristied Discussing Plan To Return To Haiti

Here is a press conference give by Jean-Bertrand Aristide denied Passport request to return to Haiti. He was accompanied by his wife Mildred Aristide

Jean-Bertrand Aristide said: I am ready to leave today, tomorrow, at any time . He said that in light of the suffering of the Haitian people after the 2010 earthquake, his place is in Haiti to Help.

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Jean-Bertrand Aristide And Wife Mildred Aristide After Press Conference

Jean-Bertrand Aristide And Wife Mildred Aristide After Press Conference

Here is a picture of Jean-Bertrand Aristide and wife Mildred Aristide after their press conference. They were both denied Passport request to return to Haiti.

On January 19, 2010, three days after the surprise return of Jean-Claude Duvalier in Haiti, Aristide wants the same treatment.

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Jean-Bertrand Aristide And Bill Clinton

Jean-Bertrand Aristide And Bill Clinton

Here is a picture of the American President Bill Clinton and Jean-Bertrand Aristide as he was returning from exile in South Africa. The Haitian president was exiled twice and was able to return back to his country twice.

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Jean-Bertrand Aristide Returned With US Military

Jean-Bertrand Aristide Returned With US Military

Here is a picture of the US force that accompanied Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti after his first exile to the United States. He is accused for allowing Foreign troops to come to haiti. In the past, Jean-Bertrand was very vocal against foreign countries into Haiti.

He became a leading figure in the Ti Legliz movement when he was a Catholic priest

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General Jacques Gracia Was A Member Of Francois Duvalier And Jean-Claude Duvalier Government

General Jacques Gracia Was A Member Of Francois Duvalier And Jean-Claude Duvalier Government

During the Duvalier period, one important figure was General Jacques Gracia.
The period of the Duvalier in Haiti is filled with history. Here is the picture of General Jacques Gracia during this historical period.

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Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive On Jean-Claude Duvalier Return

Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive On Jean-Claude Duvalier Return

Here is a picture taken of Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive on the return of Jean-Claude duvalier in haiti. Bellrive who represents the Haitian government did not say much about the return.

Foreign government reaction to the return of Jean-Claude was that of a surprise. The French government that was supposed to be aware of the return stated that they were unaware of the return until Jean-Claude landed in Haiti. They denied any allegation of complicity on their part.

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Jean R. Marcellus, Councilman Of North Miami, District 3

Jean R. Marcellus, Councilman Of North Miami, District 3

Here is a picture of Councilman of North Miami, District 3, Jean R. Marcellus.

The Haitian-born Councilman of North Miami, Jean R. Marcellus, at one point was involved in a scandal when he received a free Haiti trip from Mayor Andre Pierre's nephew, Ricardo Brutus.

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Jean-Claude Duvalier Named Godfather At Law School In Gonaives

Jean-Claude Duvalier Named Godfather At Law School In Gonaives

Here is a picture of former Haitian leader Jean Claude Duvalier in a crowd of Law students in Gonaives as they were in the process of receiving their diploma.

He was invited by the faculty leader to be part of the graduating class in December, 2011.

The selection of former president Jean Claude Duvalier did now seat well with many who thought that the former leader does not deserve that. Cean Claude Duvalier was accused by many of his victims. They would want him to stand on trial instead for the crimes that took place on his watch

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Jean-Claude Duvalier And Michele Bennett Wedding

Jean-Claude Duvalier And Michele Bennett Wedding

Here is a picture of Jean-Claude Duvalier and Michele Bennett during their wedding

Jean-Claude Duvalier married Michele Bennett Pasquet, mulato, - Michele Bennett first husband: Alix Pasquet - Wedding was estimated around 3 million

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Jean-Claude Duvalier On His Way For Interrogation In Haiti

Jean-Claude Duvalier On His Way For Interrogation In Haiti

Here is a picture of Jean-Claude Duvalier as he was taken by Haitian officials for interrogation.

Since the return of Duvalier to Haiti, Human Rights groups have become vocal in asking for justice for the victims of the Duvalier regime. They want Jean-Claude Duvalier to be held accountable for crimes committed by his father and himself

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