jean-claude duvalier
Haitian Military Leopard Corp In Jean Claude Duvalier reign
Here is a picture to remind you of Haitian Military Leopard Corp during Jean Claude Duvalier reign.
Haitian Military Leopard Corp in Jean Claude Duvalier Reign
In 1973, the former Haitian Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier ("Baby Doc") created 'Leopards' (Corps des Léopards) a personal security force and counterinsurgency unit. The Leopards counterinsurgency unit was created with the U.S support; its participating members required a higher education level to join. With its creation, it took over most of the functions of Haiti's police force. The Leopard Corps consisting 700-members, a tactical unit was based on the outskirts of the capital in Pétion-ville; it was equipped with relatively modern tool for responding to internal threats. Its counterinsurgency functions were often suppressed. Baby Doc created 'Corps des Léopards' in an attempt to balance two powers between the Haitian Armed Forces and the Tonton Macoutes (became the Volontaires de la Securite Nationale or VSN after 1962). However, 'Corps des Léopards' was disbanded within a month of an attempted coup in 1989.
Jean-Claude Duvalier at Robert Blanc Law school in Gonaives
In a move that got many people upset and frustrated, Promotion Robert Blanc at l'Ecole de Droit et des Sciences Economiques des Gonaïves named former Haitian president Jean Claude Duvalier the godfather or "Parrain of their graduating class in December, 2011.
The selection of former president Jean Claude Duvalier did now seat well with many who thought that the former leader does not deserve that. Cean Claude Duvalier was accused by many of his victims. They would want him to stand on trial instead for the crimes that took place on his watch
Soledad O'Brien Interview with Jean-Claude Duvalier for Al Jazeera America
The former CNN host Soledad O'Brien, managed to get an interview from the former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, also known as "Baby Doc." He appeared frail but explained to the host for a first segment for Al Jazeera America that under his government, Haiti was much better in term of security and economic development. In that same segment, Soledad O'Brien also interviewed a former political prisoner, Duval, who had a totally different view of the condition under the Duvalier regime
Jean-Claude Duvalier ruled Haiti until he was ousted in 1986. During his government, he introduced cosmetic changes to the condition of the population.
He was ousted in 1986 but returned returned to Haiti on January 16, 2011 after his exile in France. On February 28, 2013, Duvalier pleaded not guilty to charges of corruption and human rights abuse.
Jean-Claude Duvalier and Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Here is a picture of both former presidents of Haiti, Jean-Claude Duvalier and Jean-Bertrand Aristide. They both were in exile and wanted to return to Haiti. Jean-Claude Duvalier made a surprise return to Haiti with an expired passport and Jean-Bertrand Aristide is requesting a diplomatic Passport to return to Haiti
The Reunion of Jean Claude Duvalier and Jean Bertrand Aristide
Is this possible? At least this is the question that many people in Haiti are asking. The Reunion of Jean Claude Duvalier and Jean Bertrand Aristide.
In his message to the Haitian population during the anniversary of his second year in office, President Martelly stated that this is something that he wants and sill working to make it possible: a meeting between Jean Claude Duvalier and Jean Bertrand Aristide.
Do you think it will be possible.
Politically, is it in the best interest of Jean Bertrand Aristide or the Lavalas Party to meet with Jean Claude Duvalier
Aristide and Duvalier, so much in common
It is interesting to see how two of the most controversial leaders in Haiti manage to have so much in common. In this, I want to refer to Former Haitian Dictator Jean Claude Duvalier and former president Jean Bertrand Aristide. Take a look as the following striking similarities:
1) Both Jean Claude Duvalier & Jean Bertrand Aristide have passionate fanatics
2) Both have been accused of making million by stealing from the government.
3) Both Jean Claude Duvalier and Jean Bertrand Aristide went on exile.
4) Duvalier and Aristide came back from exile within the same year.
5) Duvalier & Aristide were visited at home by Michel Martelly.
6) On February 28, 2013, Jean-Claude Duvalier went to Court. On May 8, 2013, Aristide went to Court.
Does that mean, if one goes to prison, the other would follow?