moise jean charles

The six Senators in opposition to Michel Martelly

The six Senators in opposition to Michel Martelly

Here is a picture of the six Haitian Senators who have been in opposition to Michel Martelly

The famous six includes: Senator Westner Polycarpe, Senator Moise Jean Charles, Senator Pierre Francky Exius, Senator Jean Baptiste Bien-Aime, Senator Jean William Jeanty and Senator John Joel Joseph

These six senators are also in complete opposition to the El Rancho agreement reached between the Executive government, the Legislative and other sectors of the Haitian society

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Fanmi Lavalas with Maryse Narcisse and Moise Jean charles

Fanmi Lavalas with Maryse Narcisse and Moise Jean charles

Here is a picture attempting to reconstruct the new structure of the Fanmi Lavalas following the open conflict between Maryse Narcisse and Moise Jean Charles.

To many political analysts, it appears that the Fanmi Lavalas party has been split into two important groups: Baz Lavalas and the Lavalas Hierarchy. These two groups can be useful useful and important in helping Fanmi Lavalas get back to power

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Jean-Charles and Arnel Belizaire not members of Fanmi lavalas

Jean-Charles and Arnel Belizaire not members of Fanmi lavalas

Here is a picture of Senator Moise Jean-Charles and Deputy Arnel Belizaire. These two are not members of the Lavalas Political party and can not speak for the party. this is what was released to the public in December 2013 by the head of the party.

As a result of that public declaration by the party, many people are asking the question: is it true that these two individuals are not part of the Fanmi Lavalas or this is part of comprehensive game and strategy

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Moise Jean Charles Speaks Out

Moise Jean Charles Speaks Out

Here is a picture of the Senator of North, Moise Jean Charles. He has built a reputation for his opposition to the government of Michel Martelly.

The Senator accused the government for corruption and held the presidential family for several crimes.

There are also some critics for Senator Moise Jean Charles. Some suggested he is carrying an agenda to make it impossible for the government to succeed.

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Clifford Brandt National Palace Identification Card

Clifford Brandt National Palace Identification Card

This is a copy of a National Palace Identification Card of Clifford Brandt identifying him as an Adviser to President Michel Martelly. This document was presented to the press by Senator Moise Jean-Charles.

Beside kidnapping, the Senator from Nord also accused Martelly government for his involvement with drug dealers and gangsters.

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Dadio Television Nationale D'Haiti pulled the plug on Senator Moise Jean-Charles

Dadio Television Nationale D'Haiti pulled the plug on Senator Moise Jean-Charles

During a convocation of Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe on May 4th, 2013, where he responded to a Senate invitation to answer questions related to some fundings in question. the National Radio Television (RTNH), that was assuring the coverage at the time suddenly interrupted the coverage as Senator Moise Jean-Charles.

The questions remain and as to what caused that interruption and why it only took place during the intervention of Senator Moise Jean-Charles who has been in opposition of the current government. Several Senators denounced the action of Haiti National Radio Television (RTNH) immediately and demanded an investigation of the incident.

Until an investigation determines the nature of the technical failure by National Radio Television (RTNH) during the Senator Moïse Jean-Charles intervention, some people remain suspicious.

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Senator Moise Jean Charles called President Michel Martelly a Liar

Senator Moise Jean Charles called President Michel Martelly a Liar

In a Session of the Haitian Senate to review the finding of the Commission responsible to investigate Affair Arnel Belizaire, Senator Moise Jean Charles publicly declared that President Michel Martelly is a Liar.

Senator Moise Jean Charles said that Michel Martelly is directly involved in the arrest of Haitian Deputy Arnel Belizaire but told the public that he is not involved "Ni de pres, Ni de Loin". As a consequence, he considers President Michel Martelly to be a Liar

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Senator Moise Jean Charles Deplored Tecnics Of Wilson Jeudy

Senator Moise Jean Charles Deplored Tecnics Of Wilson Jeudy

senator Moise Jean Charles deplored tecnics used by Wilson Jeudy who is the Maire of Delma.

According to report, Security forces who teared down makeshift tent camps inhabited by Haitians displaced by the earthquake were trained by Risks Incorporated, a securitu force know for torture

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