
NOVA's Medical Clinic in Cavaillon, Haiti

NOVA's Medical Clinic in Cavaillon, Haiti

Here is a picture of the new NOVA's Medical Clinic that was open in Cavaillon, Haiti

"NOVA Hope for Haiti" has been providing medical care in Haiti since 2002. They have opened a new permanent clinic in Cavaillon in October 2014. The new clinic has been opened and it is stocked with high quality patient care and medications, year round. The new building at Cavailon has three examination rooms with sinks and one procedure room. It has a large pharmacy, test laboratory and a record and storage room. There are two bathrooms in the clinic, one meant for the patients and another for the staff. The second floor of the building is dedicated to host visiting NOVA mission volunteers and other missionary groups. This floor has four bedrooms with attached baths, kitchen, large living cum dining areas. This is undoubtedly a great milestone in the 12 year history of NOVA in Haiti because, earlier they used to send teams of volunteer doctors and support staff in every 6 to 12 months to Cavaillon who used to work and treat over 1,000 patients in a week's mission in let out make-shift temporary community centers--for the first time their volunteers and patients will have electricity, running water and toilets to use! During July and August, NOVA has purchased $30,000 worth of medical supplies, equipment and residence furnishings for the new medical clinic in Cavaillon. Their team is composed of over 20 medical professionals, assistants and translators. NOVA is thankful to its supporters and volunteers, both in the US and Haiti.

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