paul denis
Paul Denis, the rejection of my candidacy on absence of décharge, "injustice"
Paul Denis has protested his exclusion in the electoral process. He called this an act of injustice on the part of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP).
Paul Denis, a candidate for the post of Senator of the Sud, while speaking on an interview with Bob-C on Radio Caraïbes on Monday morning, June 8, 2015 has said that the decision of the electoral council to reject his candidacy due to the lack of a certificate of discharge is an act of "injustice", unto himself and the Haitian people. He had a favorable report from the Supreme Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (CSCCA) and had anticipated that the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) would be justified enough and consider his situation, as he could never procure a 'certificat de décharge' from a defunct parliament. There are some more candidates like him who were also deprived of the right to contest the upcoming election and that includes the names like the former Prime Ministers, Jean-Max Bellerive and Laurent Lamothe, and former ministers, Duly Brutus, Danielle Saint-Lot, Jean-Rodolphe Joazile, Josefa Gauthier, Thierry Mayard-Paul, and others.
Paul Denis accused Senate Committee as Committee with Political Propaganda
The minister of justice in Haiti, Mr. Paul Denis, is one unsatisfied customer with the Senate Committee responsible to inquiry on corruption and electoral fraud.
He believes the practices used by the Committee, for which Senator Youri Latortue is in charge is not a real committee looking to inquire about the process. According to Paul Denis, the Senate Committee is involved in political propaganda