Pierre Simon Georges

The Nine member CEP (CTCEP) formed in April, 2013

The Nine member CEP (CTCEP) formed in April, 2013

Here is a picture of the nine member CEP formed in April, 2013.
The Provisional Electoral Council was first evolved as an interim solution in Haitian's 1987 Constitution to oversee the first presidential and local elections. It was then decided that after the first election, a Permanent Electoral Council would be established as per Article 192 for future elections, but that has never been constituted. All elections since 1990 were run by Provisional Electoral Councils. Recently, on March 29, 2016, the interim President Jocelerme Privert appointed a 9-member Provisional Electoral Council. The council, on March 31, 2016 following their installation and swearing-in, held the first working session and elected their office bearers with the following responsibilities. 1) Léopold Berlanger (Press sector): President; 2) Carlos Hercule ( Episcopal Conference of Haiti): Vice President ; 3) Marie Frantz Joachim (Woman sector): General Secretary; 4) Frinel Joseph (Reformed worship): Treasurer ; 5) Kenson Polynice (Peasant / Voodoo sector): Member ; 6) Marie-Herolle Michel (Patronal sector): Member; 7) Josette Jean Dorcély (Union sector): Member ; 8) Jean Lucien Bernard (University sector): Member ; and 9) Jean Simon Saint-Hubert (Human Rights sector): Member.

A Decree published in Le Moniteur conformed the following members of the CTCEP

Pierre Simon Georges ;
Néhémy Joseph ;
Marie Clunie Dumay Miracles ;
Jean Marie Vianney Emmanuel Ménard ;
Jacqueline Patricia Chantale Raymond ;
Gloria Margarette Girault Saint-Louis ;
Léopold Berlanger ;
Marie Carole Innocent Floreal Duclervil ;
Applys Félix.

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Haiti College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP)

Haiti College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP)

After months of fighting and negotiation between the executive and the legislative branch of government to establish a CEP to conduct the next election in Haiti, we can finally say that with the help and direction of some important forces, we are now able to hold the next election in Haiti.

the College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP) responsible for organizing the next elections.

The new College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council
(CTCEP) responsible for organizing the next elections in
2013 is as follows:

Representatives of the Executive: Mrs. Margareth Lamur Saint-Louis, Chantal Raymond and Emmanuel Ménard

Legislative Representatives: Marie Clunie Dumay Miracle, Pierre Simon Georges and Néhémie Joseph

Representatives of the judiciary: Léopold Belanger, Marie Carole Duclervil Floréal, Applys Félix

The CTCEP should be composed of 4 women (44%) and 5 men.

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CTCEP Treasurer, Pierre Simon Georges

CTCEP Treasurer, Pierre Simon Georges

Here is a picture of the CTCEP Treasurer, Pierre Simon Georges. He was appointed in the position to represent the Legislative Power.

The nine members have a specific mandates which is to organize the upcoming senatorial, municipal and local elections

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