
Senator Marco Rubio Visiting Haiti to address Restavec Issue

Senator Marco Rubio Visiting Haiti to address Restavec Issue

The Senator of South Florida, Marco Rubio, conducting his first visit to the island of Haiti. His main purpose is to have a better understanding of the ongoing problem of Restavec and Human trafficking that that has been going on in Haiti for generations.

Visiting with his wife Jeannette, Senator Marco Rubio took the opportunity while in Haiti to visit the Institute for Human and Community Development which is a school for restavecs or children in Haiti who have been working as domestic with more prominent families in Haiti. The parents of these children often willingly offer their children to work with other families in Haiti because they usually can not afford to raise them economically.

Senator Rubio had a brief meeting with the Haitian President Michel Martelly and some business leaders before leaving Haiti on the same day

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Being a child and not allowed to play - Restavek in Haiti

Being a child and not allowed to play - Restavek in Haiti

A leading researcher in the field of child development found that playing is very important in child development. It is the leading reason why very young children can learn so much so quickly. The study also found that the children allowed to play become better thinkers and are better equipped to think about different possibilities to solve issues.

Now imagine having an entire class of children in a society such a Haiti called Restavek who are usually unable to not only play due to their daily living condition but also go to school and are put down on a regular basis.

This can only be labeled as the self-destruction of a society

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