
Dumarsais Estime and United States

Dumarsais Estime and United States

The administration of Dumarsais Estime included a coalition of dissidents who led opposition to previous regimes. He did not receive lot of support from the American government who viewed his government unfavorably. His government was labeled left-wing. Dumarsais tried to solidify ties to the United States by exaggerating the communist threat to his government.

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Elie Lescot and the SHADA Rubber project

Elie Lescot and the SHADA Rubber project

The SHADA began production in 1941 in Haiti with the help from the American government. In 1943, an estimated 47,177 acres of productive land in Haiti were cleared for the planting of cryptostegia vine.

This affected Haitian farming a great deal. the project acquired over 100,000 hectares of land. Farmers in the North of Haiti were lured from food crop cultivation to meet increasing demand for rubber.

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