slave leader

Makendal was born in Limbe

Makendal was born in Limbe

Limbé Prepares Slaves to Overcome French

Limbé, French for limb, is an important part of Haiti's struggle for independence.

Limbé's location in a valley, bounded by mountains, protected the slaves living there from discovery as they hiked mountain paths to meet other slaves living below Limbé.

Meeting clandestinely, they built bonds of trust, which enabled them to form a rebel unit to defeat the French.

Limbé was the staging area for the rebel slaves before they engaged French forces in the Vertieres Battle and triumphed in 1803.

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The ceremony of Bois Caiman by slave leader Boukman Dutty

The ceremony of Bois Caiman by slave leader Boukman Dutty

The ceremony of Bois Caiman was organized by the slave leader Boukman Dutty. History revealed that the man was a voodoo priest and was able to motivate the slave to start their freedom revolution that would eventually end with the first Black independent nation in the western hemisphere
Within the actual Bois Caiman ceremony it is thought a spirit was often called upon to invoke the group. The group proceeded to sacrifice a live pig and all the participants at the ceremony drank the blood to show their determination to become free

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