Thomas Adams
Thomas Adams in favor of change in Haiti electoral timetable
The United States sees an opportunity to save money and did not take time to communicate that to the Haitian authorities in charge of the next election in the country. According to the Special Adviser to the US State Department for Haiti, Thomas Adams, by reducing the number of elections from three to two,
Haiti will save close to $30 million. Who can top that?
Thomas Adams, the Special Adviser to the US State Department for Haiti, sees an opportunity to save about US$30 million and did not take time to communicate that to the Haitian authorities in charge of the next election that, if the country makes a change in the electoral timetable and holds election on 2 days instead of 3, before the end of this year, it may save that amount of money. The electoral timetable announced in March by the CEP called for the first round of legislative elections to be held on August 9, followed by a first-round presidential election and second round of legislative elections on October 25. Finally, the second round of the presidential election and local elections would be held in late December. Thomas Adams has said he understands the concerns expressed by various sectors of Haitian society who believe that the country does not have the financial means to achieve 3 elections. If the election of 9th August can be suppressed, the country may save $30 million. Furthermore, it will give enough time to the Electoral Council to prepare properly for the forthcoming election.
Evans Paul, Haiti Special Coordinator Thomas Adams, Pamela White
Here is the picture of Haitian Prime Minister Evans Paul with Haiti Special Coordinator Thomas Adams and U.S. Ambassador Pamela White.
Prime Minister Paul Meets with U.S. State Department regarding Upcoming Elections
Prime Minister Paul took a meeting with U.S. State Department Special Coordinator for Haiti, Thomas Adams. The meeting agenda included elections preparation, political party funding, adjustments to the present budget, government corruption, and anti-Martelly protests.
Paul emphasized the government's vow to hold fair, honest, and democratic elections. He added the government would finance political parties for inclusion in them. Addressing demonstrations he said government would honor individual freedoms and the right to peaceful assembly.