Travel and Transportation
Increase in Fuel Prices and Fares increases Tap Tap transportation cost
Here is a picture of Haitian Tap Tap in Haiti. They are the main method of transportation in cities all over the country
Economy Minister Jean-Marie and Commerce and Industry Minister Laleau issued a statement of petroleum price increases: gasoline: 215 gourdes (+15 gourdes: 7.5%); oil: 177 gourdes (+15 gourdes: 9.27%); kerosene: 171 gourdes (+10 gourdes: 6.3%).
Transports, tap-taps, and taxis raised their fares to cover fuel increases: taxi fares will increase from 28 to 30 gourdes; tap-tap fares will go up 1 gourde, except for the Port-au-Prince-Kenscoff route, which will increase from 46 to 50 gourdes.
American Airlines to serve Cap-Haitian, Quartier Morin, Port-de-Paix and other
This is to illustrate the inaugural flight of American Airlines #1632, which took place on Thursday, October 2, 2014 and landed in the City of Cap-Haitian, Haiti for the first time. That was a historical day for the population in the North of the country as they celebrated this day that they have been waiting for.
On hand for the event was President Michel Martelly, who flew into Miami where the flight would originate the night before. He was met in Cap-Haitien by the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, the Minister for Tourism, Stephanie Villedrouin, Venezuelan Ambassador to Haiti, Pedro Antonio Canino Gonzalez and Vice President of American Airlines, Art Torno, among others.
The celebration involved a ceremony at the airport following the successful landing, at which the President stated that the feat had been long in coming. He cited that governments had been trying to achieve this since 1952.
First American Airlines flight to Hugo Chavez International Airport of Cap Haitien
The Venezuelan gift that keeps on giving, the Petrocaribe deal, has made it possible for a dream long-held by some to be realized in the North of Haiti in particular, the city of Cap-Haitien specifically. It is the dream of having more than just domestic flights linking the North to the rest of the world; it is the dream of having international flights land at the Hugo Chavez International Airport in Cap-Haitien.
Still, the story isn't about Petrocaribe, except that some of the funds saved by the government from the oil deal were used for the renovation necessary to make the dream a reality. The price was $30 million, the work done the extension of a runway and the building of a fire station (still being done) as well as the remodeling of the interior of the airport.
CoHata d'Haiti, Haitian Airline
Here is a picture of the CoHata d'Haiti logo and airline, the original Haitian Airline
Before it ended operations in 1974, the Haitian airline, CoHata d'Haiti, was the country's domestic airline with an operation between the capital and another 7 of its major cities. The fleet of Douglas DC-3 planes were operated by pilots and co-pilots that were American trained, and it maintained a glowing record of having no customer or crew injuries and no accidents throughout its years of operation which began in 1942.
CoHata d'Haiti, also maintained a high standard with the constant overhauling of its engines and planes.
Port Lafito international multipurpose port and terminal
Port Lafito is a private international multipurpose port and terminal that is under construction at 20 km outside Port-au-Prince. It is Haiti's first greenfield multipurpose Panamax port equipped with the most recent quay and terminal equipment for handling containerized and loose-bulk cargo. 'Panamax' is the term for the size limits of ships traveling through the Panama Canal as per its expansion proposal, October 2006. With an estimated project cost of $57-million and scheduled to be completed within Q4 2014, Port Lafito, a subsidiary of the Gilbert Bigio Group will offer computerized load management for vessels as per Panamax requirement, speedy customs and National Port Authority services. It will be a new gateway which will connect Haiti to the rest of the world. In May this year, Port Lafito announced that it had reached a strategic alliance with SSA Marine to manage its port and terminal operations in Haiti. SSA Marine is a subsidiary of Carrix, Inc., a Seattle, Washington based privately-held company. They have activities at more than 210 terminal facilities and intermodal rail operations, all over the world.
Hugo Chavez International Airport Honors Venezuelan Generosity
Cap-Haitien Airport was re-named Hugo Chavez International Airport (HCIA) to show appreciation to deceased Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's support of Haiti during its tough periods. He gave over $1 billion to help Haiti, and the country has never forgotten his legacy.
HCIA links Haiti to Miami, Providenciales, and Cibao International Airports and other regional air carriers.
The Venezuelan government is helping fund a renovation of HCIA and began repaving a concrete runway in 2012, completed in 2013.
American Airlines First Flight to Cap-Haitian
Here is a picture of the first official flight to Cap-Haitian by American Airlines. It took place on October 2, 2014 and on board were President Michel Martelly, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, Haiti Minister of Tourism, Stephanie Villedrouin and many more
After the celebration inside of the new Cap-Haitian airport, president Michel Martelly and Laurent Lamothe took ot to the streets of the city and were followed by several thousands of people
Michel Martelly and Laurent Lamothe on First American Airlines flight to Cap-Haitian
A historic day yes in deed. You are looking at the first flight of American Airlines to the city of Cap-Haitian. Michel Martelly and Laurent Lamothe were on board to celebrate the opening of the First American Airlines flight to Cap-Haitian
Haiti and Venezuela to Renovate Cap-Haitien Airport
Prime Minister Lamothe said Cap-Haitien International Airport has been re-named Hugo Chavez International Airport after the late Venezuelan president, a generous benefactor of Haiti. He gave over $1 billion to aid the country and his memory lives on in the hearts of Haitians.
Haiti and Venezuela have inked a deal to renovate the airport. Construction carried out by Haitian contractors with oversight by a Cuban-Venezuelan company. A runway has already been completed.
Haitian man charged with assault a over reclining airline seat
This is what happened.and it is a lesson for all of us. A Haitian man who was flying from Boston to Paris last Friday got into a heated dispute with flight attendants over a reclining seat.
Edmond Alexandre who is 60 years old was involved in an argument with the other passenger. He pulled the flight attendant by the arm. As a consequence, Edmond Alexandre was restrained and arrested by federal air marshals aboard. The American airlines flight had to be diverted to Boston
He was charged with assaulting a flight attendant, U.S. prosecutors in Boston said
Tourism taxis and Politour in Haiti
Now new taxis are in Haiti to help with the pick up or dropping off of passengers at the airport. When needing information on the airlines of times one can call either 28117294 or 28117295. The taxis are up and running and awaiting arrival to show off the new, higher standards of Haiti. With more vehicles available the means are here in order to serve the public better--new top-notch taxis to make ones ride as comfortable as possible.