Sapodilla Fruit in Boucan Carre, Haiti
Here is a picture of a Sapodilla Fruit in Boucan Carre, Haiti. The region is ideal for many exotic fruits and vegetables.
Also known as Manilkara zapota, but commonly known in the region of Boucan Carre as sapodilla. This fruit originated from southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
Sapodilla can become a big tree, growing to more than 98 ft tall
Sapodilla fruit is a large ellipsoid berry, containing two to five seeds. It has a sweet, malty flavor. The unripe fruit is hard to the touch, with high amounts of saponin
The Haitian Creole Pig
In Haiti, many farmers have been relying on the Creole Pig for saving. This is how many of them have been able to send their children to school or if there is an emergency such as unexpected death in the family. However, with the mass killing of the Creole pigs in Haiti in the 1980s, many families have taken a hit financially and consequently, the country has suffered.
we find out how the first "Pig Deal" film from 2002 helped provide pigs and a source of income for Haitians.
The Haitian Creole Pig
One single act that has affected the living condition of the Haitian peasant for a log time is the nationwide slaughter of Creole pigs. This is to date considered one of the government's single most devastating moves.
This took place in the 1980's in Haiti and the Haitian peasants have not recovered since. This was based on fear of the American government of a swine flu outbreak that was happening in the the Dominican Republic. This problem was made worst with the import of a different type of pig to Haiti to replace the Creole pig. However, this new breeds could not adapt to the Haitian environment and became more expensive to maintain
The Pig that was to replace Haitian Pig
Here is the pig that was introduced to Haiti following the destruction of Haitian Creole a result of a swine flu outbreak in the Dominican Republic. Unlike the Creole Pig, this one was not adaptable to Haiti environment.
This attempt to replace them with American pigs from Iowa farmers proved to be a total failure. As the new breeds could not adapt to the inevitably harsher methods of farming,
Kombit, just another way of living in Haiti
In Haiti, a Kombit is organized as follows: When it is time to plant, there is an announcement in the community of the event. By announcing the event, everyone is also invited usually accomodation is made for as many participants as necessary
Usually, the functions in a Kombit are distributed based on gender and age and ability. The men are usually involved in digging holes and usually women and young children plant.
The charm of the entire process is the singing. There are usually lots of singing and funny jocks in a Kombit to keep the spirits up. The participants are also served breakfast, Lunch and dinner.
Picture of Haitian Kombit
Here is an agricultural system that is unique to Haiti, the Kombit system. What is a Kombit in the Haitian meaning. A Kombit is a system of interacting that is based on sharing and not selling.
The community makes use of the community members to perform the various functions. In a Kombit, everyone is involved in everything. They plan the crop and harvest it by sharing the task among themselves
Haitian President Michel Martelly involved in Kombit
Here is a picture of a Haitian Kombit. The Haitian President Michel Martelly is participating in a Haitian Kombit.
What is a Kombit:
The emphasis of the concept of Haitian kombit is to have people helping each other. In a Kombit, the entire village is involved and no money is changed hands. It is simply the sharing of products in a communal sense, not selling for profit.
The way a Kombit would be done is that a farmer will announce a planned Kombit day or a day for planting. As many people in the community are invited. They serve food and drinks. Men as well as women are invited and they perform different tasks
Kombit involving Haitian Women
Here is another Kombit Picture in Haiti. In this one, several women are involved in the hard labor of working the land.
Many people believe that this concept of Kombit can be use for the development of Haiti. It captures the essence of community and the concept of Union Fait La Force. It is associated with a tradition in the Haitian tradition and culture.
La Bonne Nouvelle Frere Joel - Haiti Poule Payi
Here is a picture of the Evengelist Frere Joel going across Haiti and exposing the beauty of Haiti. In this picture, Frere Joel of La Bonne Nouvelle is telling the viewers how Haitians love Poule Payi, which is Natural chicken. Frere Joel was able to remain positive and only showed the beautiful accomplishments of the Haitias all over Haiti. This picture was taken in Hinche