candidate Jerry Tardieu to challenge results
Here is a picture of candidate for deputy for Pétion-ville, Jerry Tardieu, VERITE delivering a message to a crowd.
Jerry Tardieu, the candidate for deputy for Pétion-ville, from VERITE party, has challenged the first round of the 2015 legislative elections result published and displayed in the Departmental Electoral Office West by the Provisional Electoral Council. As per his statement, a tabulation of the minutes (procès-verbaux) in his possession, suggests that he has received 34.59% of the votes against his nearest rival's 8.54%. Thus he was ahead by 26.05% vote, confirming his victory with over 25% lead. Thus it differs from the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) figure which states 22.05% lead out of 30.86% of votes in possession of Tardieu. The Electoral Decree states that, in a contest for election of Deputy, if a candidate is not a holder of absolute majority votes, such candidate may be proclaimed as a winner if his lead is over 25% than his closest opponent. Thus, Jerry Tardieu has reasons for unhappiness.
Read more about candidate, Election, petion-ville, Jerry Tardieu, Haiti election 2015, Verite, Election