Children with gun in Cite soleil
Here are two children in the back of a car of a gang leader in the slum of Cite Soleil. These children are heavily armed . This picture was taken from a video filmed in Haiti in 2004 before the departure of Former President Jean Bertrand Aristide to exile. He is part of the group known as Chimè Cite Soleil.
In 2004, the United Nations termed the slums of Port-au-Prince and Cité Soleil as "the most dangerous place on earth." The outstation of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in February 2004 left a large number of 9 mm weapons, 38's, American-style machine guns, M-14's and hand grenades in the hands of his supporters. As a consequence of this, regular exchange of ammunition among the gangs and with the UN peacekeeping force was a routine matter. Following Aristide's exit, one study found that about 8,000 people in Port-au-Prince alone were murdered and over 35,000 sexually assaulted. Cité Soleil is an extremely impoverished and densely populated commune within the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince. The streets here are controlled by various gangs, some more violent than others. The gangs operate here like secret army. Even children here carry guns which are smuggled from the U.S and South America. They have grenade launchers, laser-guided rifles and sniper stuff; and even today, day by day, it is getting worse. It is a dangerous place on earth where the guns rule
Read more about gun, Crime, gang, Child, street children, child from haiti, arm, Cite Soleil, Child-Gang, GUNSHOT, Crime