Muhammad Ali and Jean-Claude Duvalier
Here is a picture of one of the greatest men we know Muhammad Ali with former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier. This picture was provided thanks to the son of Mr. Duvalier. Nicolas Duvalier.
Nicolas Duvalier, the son of Jean-Claude Duvalier (Baby Doc), has shared a rare, never before seen, photo of the late heavyweight champion, Muhammad Ali, and his father Baby Doc. However, authenticity and context of the photo could not be verified. As per Nicolas Duvalier's twit, this photo was in his personal collection and the child with Ali is Ali's son. In a book of named "Paradise Lost: Haiti's Tumultuous Journey from Pearl of the Caribbean to Third World Hot Spot" by Philippe Girard, the writer had mentioned that, "By the late 1970's, seventy thousand U.S Tourists visited Haiti every year, including such African American celebrities as Cassius Clay (a.k.a. Muhammad Ali) and Arthur Ashe."... The photograph might have been taken during one of such visit.
Read more about Sport, jean claude duvalier, baby doc duvalier, Boxing, Box, Muhammad Ali, People