Dominican Military is prepared to enter Haiti and rescue Dominicans
According to the Dominican Military, they were prepared to enter Haiti and rescue their citizens and any other diplmats if requested. This announcement was made on Wednesday by Border Security Commander Guerrero Clase after learning that Presodent Michel Martelly is going to rule Haiti by decree
The Dominican Commander esetimated that there is a total of 17,000 Dominicans currently living in Haiti. He further stated that they always have an Evacuation Plan for Haiti which is based on intelligence reports shared by various agencies
Kreyol Pale, Kreyol kompran
Ki sa nou panse? Voizin-an di li gin yon plan pou li vini an Ayiti e pran citoyin li si bagay la ta dejenere.
Sa mwin ta di nan sa, me rol yon lame. Li la pou li proteje Citoyen li.
Se ki lè ke nou kapab di yon bagay konsa pou militè nou yo?
Operation shield with over 22,000 Dominican troops along border
On the second day of the new year, Dominican Republic launched their shield operation, with over 22,000 troops aimed at bottlenecking and stopping the illegal migration of Haitians across the extremely porous border of the two countries. Working in rotation, the troop work assisted by over 150 CCTV cameras, set up at vantage points to locate those trying illegally to cross into the Republic. The border monitors known as CESFRONT (Cuerpo Especializado de Seguridad Fronteriza Terrestre), since the start of the year, have returned some 25,000 people to Haiti.
Read more about dominican republic, military, newsletter, Dominican Republic - Haiti