DuPuis Medical Office and Drugstore in Little Haiti

DuPuis Medical Office and Drugstore in Little Haiti

Here is a picture of DuPuis Medical Office and Drugstore located in Little Haiti.

The DuPuis Medical Office and Drug Store in Little Haiti was founded by Dr. John G. DuPuis in 1902. DuPuis was fondly called as the "Lemon Doctor". He constructed his medical office and drug store in the rural community of Lemon City four years after he arrived in South Florida. DuPuis (born in 1875 in Newnansville, Florida) was a prominent pioneer physician and founder of White Belt Dairy (later it became one of the area's largest dairies) and the Dade County Agricultural School (in 1915, later renamed Miami Edison). He treated Miamians during the yellow fever epidemic of 1899 and was one of the few white doctors trusted by the Seminole Indians. DuPuis Medical Office and Drug Store became a subject of historic preservation on July 2, 1985.

Read more about little haiti, LITTLE-HAITI-SITES, DuPuis, Diaspora

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