
Michel Martelly Performing In Sweet Micky

Michel Martelly Performing In Sweet Micky

Here is a picture of the Candidate Michel Martelly. Michel M artelly wants people to know that his stage performance has to do with Sweet There is a difference between the Presidential candidate and the music performer

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2010 Haiti Election, Lesly Manigat

2010 Haiti Election, Lesly Manigat

Here is a picture of former Haitan president Lesly Manigat. He is in support of his wife Mirlande manigat who is a candidate for the 2011 Haiti presidential election.

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Mirlande Manigat And Michele Martelly

Mirlande Manigat And Michele Martelly

It seems that the two candidates likely to go for the runoff election in 2010 are Mirlande Manigat and Michele Martelly.

the two candidates likely to participate in the runoff Haiti election are Michel Martelly and Mirlande Manigat. We were told by a trusted source that partial polling are so far showing the two ahead and that the CEP will likely confirm this

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2010 Haiti Election

2010 Haiti Election

Here is a picture of candidate Mirlande Manigat during an interview with Radio Canada. In this interview, she was presenting her plan for Haiti if she becomes president. She is running against well known Michel Martelly who is a kompa artist

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Michel Martelly Visit To Jean-Rabel

Michel Martelly Visit To Jean-Rabel

Here is a picture of Presidential candidate Michel Martelly in a visit in Jean-RAbel. This was part of the 2011 presidentioan run-off election campaign for the presidency of Haiti.

Michel Martelly wants to visit every city in Haiti before the run-off election in Haiti scheduled for March 20, 2011

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Michel Martelly And Mirlande Manigat

Michel Martelly And Mirlande Manigat

Here is a picture of the two Candidates Michel Martelly on the Left using his charm on the other candidate Mirlande Manigat. Michel is kissing the hand of Mirlande. However, to not underestimate Michal Martelly who will go head to head with Mirlande Manigat in the election run-off scheduled for March 20, 2011. The fight will likely become bad while each candidate will try to become the next president of Haiti

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Michel Martelly In Fromf Of A Crowd In Cap- Haitian

Michel Martelly In Fromf Of A Crowd In Cap- Haitian

Here is a picture of the Candidate Michel Martelly in fron t of a huge crowd of people in Haiti during his 2011 Haiti election run-off. Most of the resident in this second city in Haiti came out to see the potential president of Haiti

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The Winner Of The 2011 Haiti Election, Michel Martelly

The Winner Of The 2011 Haiti Election, Michel Martelly

Here is a photo of The Winner Of The 2011 Haiti Election. MIchel Martelly wan the race to become the president of Haiti. There are many challenges awaiting the new president, including finding a permanent place for the victimes of the earthquake. He also needs to create jobs, improve health and security in the country of Haiti

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View Of Port-au-Prince Following 2010 Election Results

View Of Port-au-Prince Following 2010 Election Results

Here is a picture of the Haitian Capital following the 2010 Election results. It was reported there were several deaths and injuries in various regions. The MINUSTAH was involved in providing security however, the job was overwelming.

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Jude Celestin

Jude Celestin

Jude Celestin became known in Haitian politic when he ran for the president of Haiti in the 2010 election. Many people see him as a figure who will be directed by former President Rene Preval. He is the son in-law of the former President and was handpicked for the UNITE platform, a political party created by Rene Preval.
According to is plan for Haiti in the election, Jude Celestin intends to empower people with disabilities, by providing education and opportunities to succeed in life.

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