Alix Idrachea
Haitian-born graduating from West Point Military Academy
Here is the picture of Haitian-American Alix Idracheas he was graduating from West Point Military Academy.
Alix Schoelcher Idrache who arrived in the U.S in 2009 with very basic knowledge of English never thought that he would be ever able to complete his dream courses in the United States Military Academy at West Point. A stunning photo, captured by an Army Staff Sgt. Vito T. Bryant, shows tears streaming down the face of second lieutenant Idrache as he stands alongside his peers at the graduation ceremony on May 21. He has said he never imagined that such an honor would be ever bestowed on him. After moving to the U.S. in 2009, he became a U.S citizen, joined his father to serve the Maryland Army National Guard until 2012. He told Army Sgt. Ryan Noyes that Haitians never grow up to be pilots, they don't dream of flying a helicopter. In July, Idrache will attend the Aviation Center for Excellence at Fort Rucker in Alabama, and begin his course to become a pilot--his cherished dream. The photograph became viral as the military academy wrote in its caption on Instagram and Facebook... ""No greater feeling than that of accomplishment!"