Community Policing

Polic nan Miyami kape danse Rara lakay

Polic nan Miyami kape danse Rara lakay

Mezanmi, Gade koman Polic nan Miyami ape kale kor yo nan Ti Ayiti. Minm Polic paka kanpe gade rara sa no yo oblije souke kor-a.

Several Police Officers in Little Haiti are dancing to the sound of Rara Lakay

Polic nan Miyami kape danse Rara lakay

There is much to see, do, and experience in the community of Little Haiti. Located in Miami, this town functions as the center of the Haitian Diaspora in Florida and the U.S. Having some of the most colorful businesses, many of which focus on the arts, food, or literature, Little Haiti carries something for everyone while showcasing the best of Haitian culture. The Haiti cultural Center regularly hosts performances of dance and the theater, and restaurants throughout the area that prepare the best of Haitian cuisine.

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Miami Police Officer dancing Rara Lakay in Little Haiti

Miami Police Officer dancing Rara Lakay in Little Haiti

Here is a tip that Furgerson or any other city having issues with race riot could learn from. Police officers and the Haitian Community as partners. In this picture, two Miami Police Officers are dancing Rara Lakay in Little Haiti.

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Community Policing in Haiti

Community Policing in Haiti

The impending batch of Community Police Officers, mainly sourced from the 23rd Promotion of the Haitian National Police, await graduation and the call of duty at the end of June. Set to serve in the Delmas region of Port-au-Prince, the members of the special community unit will be the link between police and civilians and will hopefully bring about a change towards trust between the community and the PNH. Recruited in 2012, the batch of 40, whittled down from 150, has undergone rigorous physiological and intellectual testing to qualify.

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