dominican republic
Haitian man lynched in the Dominican Republic
A Haitian man was hanged in a tree in a park in this northern city in the Dominican Republic
Additional information out of Santiago, Dominican Republic, where a 19 year-old shoeshine man known as Tulile was found hanged, is that the young man was beaten. The incident, in which the young man's hands and feet were bound, is thought of widely as being part of a hate crime. Evidence to suggest this would be the burning of a Haitian flag by DR protesters around the same time as the news of Tulile's death broke. Still, the police are quick to say the motive wasn't racially related; they say, instead, that Tulile may have been killed for a winning 6,000 pesos lottery ticket.
Dominican Military is prepared to enter Haiti and rescue Dominicans
According to the Dominican Military, they were prepared to enter Haiti and rescue their citizens and any other diplmats if requested. This announcement was made on Wednesday by Border Security Commander Guerrero Clase after learning that Presodent Michel Martelly is going to rule Haiti by decree
The Dominican Commander esetimated that there is a total of 17,000 Dominicans currently living in Haiti. He further stated that they always have an Evacuation Plan for Haiti which is based on intelligence reports shared by various agencies
Kreyol Pale, Kreyol kompran
Ki sa nou panse? Voizin-an di li gin yon plan pou li vini an Ayiti e pran citoyin li si bagay la ta dejenere.
Sa mwin ta di nan sa, me rol yon lame. Li la pou li proteje Citoyen li.
Se ki lè ke nou kapab di yon bagay konsa pou militè nou yo?
Operation shield with over 22,000 Dominican troops along border
On the second day of the new year, Dominican Republic launched their shield operation, with over 22,000 troops aimed at bottlenecking and stopping the illegal migration of Haitians across the extremely porous border of the two countries. Working in rotation, the troop work assisted by over 150 CCTV cameras, set up at vantage points to locate those trying illegally to cross into the Republic. The border monitors known as CESFRONT (Cuerpo Especializado de Seguridad Fronteriza Terrestre), since the start of the year, have returned some 25,000 people to Haiti.
Michel Domingue and General Igracio Gonzalez in 1875
This is a meeting between President Michel Domingue and General Igracio Gonzalez in 1875.
One of his first moves as president was to appoint himself a public function manager. In the capacity of the President of the Council of Secretaries of State, Septimus Rameau became, in essence, the true president of the country while Domingue was considered largely a figurehead. Another of Dominique's earliest acts was to sign an agreement with their neighbors, the Dominican Republic, stating that both nations recognized the other's individual sovereignty in an attempt to stop many years of conflict. To this end, it was Septimus Rameau who dealt with the Dominican president, Ignacio Maria Gonzalez. President Domingue's chief of staff was sent in his stead to make preparations for the agreement.
Soon, the issues of fraud and corruption, though not that of the administration, caused moves that would lead to Septimus Rameau being assassinated following accusations of having two generals killed, and Domingue himself seeking refuge in the United States embassy before gaining asylum as an exile in nearby Jamaica. He would die a year following the 1876 end of his term as president.
Jean-Pierre Boyer, theUnification of Haiti and Santo Domingo
President Jean-Pierre Boyer had much on his plate in the early 1820s. Among them was the matter of unification between Haiti and Santo Domingo. At the time, while some in the Spanish country sought to align themselves with Gran Colombia, others, especially those who were former slaves, sought to ensure emancipation by siding instead with President Boyer. Answering the call, Boyer marched with 50,000 soldiers and took the keys to the city of Santo Domingo.
Haitian mothers abandoning children in hospital in Dominican Republic
Several cases of Haitian mothers found to be abandoning their children in hospital in Dominican Republic.
Dominican Hospitals tasked with finding Homes for Abandoned Children
Haitian mothers are deserting their children at Dominican hospitals. Arturo Grullon Hospital Director, Dr. Morel, says the hospital must take care of the children while CONANI looks for foster families or an orphanage.
She says mothers bring in a sick child, get them admitted, and then flee, never to return. She adds new policies will be implemented for Haitian mothers bringing in sick children, to stop the practice of child abandonment.
Radio frequency interference problem Between Haiti and Dominican Republic
Radio frequency interference has been going on for a long time and was never addressed between Haiti and Dominican Republic. There is an effort now in place to see how this problem can be addressed.
Like most other developing countries, radio reaches the maximum audience in Haiti. There are more than 300 radio stations believed to broadcast throughout the country. Similarly the radio history in Dominican republic dates back to the 1926. The first FM transmissions in DR began in 1967 and today in a crowded spectrum, it has 235 FM (Frequency Modulation) stations and more than 155 AM (Amplitude Modulation) stations. Recently, The Instituto Dominicano De Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL) that oversees DR's telecommunication market had high level discussions with its Haitian counterpart, the National Telecommunications Council (Conatel) . They have decided to investigate and find solutions to their issues of common interests like radio frequency interference and other illegalities committed in villages along the border between the two countries. Such interferences are, not only affecting radio services alone, but telephone, and TV communication services are disrupted as well. The outcome of the discussions of these two regulatory authorities will be transformed into an agreement, signed and endorsed by the presidents of the two entities on a later date.
Haiti and Dominican republic projected with strongest economic growth
Here you have it. All the predictions suggest that Haiti has taken off economically. The slogan that Haiti is open for business may have some truth to it.
According to the latest update of the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook report, the two countries that share the Island of Hispaniola, Haiti and the Dominican Republic , are expected to lead the entire Caribbean in economic growth in 2015 and 2015
In 2014, the Dominican Republic is projected to grow economically by 5.3 percent of their GDP. At the same time, Haiti is expected to grow by 3.8 percent.
In 2015, the two nations are expected to grow at even a higher rate. Dominican Republic is projected to lead the region with a GDP growth rate of 4.2 percent, with Haiti at 3.7 percent.
First Lady, Sophia Martelly, Dominican Republic Cándida Montilla de Medina
Here is a picture of First Lady of Haiti, Sophia Martelly, with Dominican Republic Cándida Montilla de Medina.
Recently, on 26 September, there was a meeting of the First Ladies of both Haiti and the Dominican Republic in New York in the context of the United Nations General Assembly meeting. The Haitian First Lady Ms. Sophia Martelly and the Dominican First Lady Cándida Montilla de Medina have talked and discussed on a number of issues concerning early childhood, teenage pregnancy and about a comprehensive disability care center in the Dominican Republic. Ms. Medina has invited Ms. Martelly to visit her office in the Dominican Republic to examine a series of initiatives that her office has undertaken. The meeting of these two First Ladies may clear the stormy relation between these two countries.
Haitian Diaspora
The Haitian population is actually estimated at more that 14 million. As of 2013, it was estimated that about 10 million Haitians were living in Haiti, with over 4 millions outside of the country.
can be found almost everywhere in the world. However, the majority of them can be found in the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, The United States, Canada and France
The Haitian diaspora
Where is the love between Haitians and Dominicans
Due to the history of two nations that share one island and are called to leave together, there have been little in that area. Whether we like it or not, Haiti and the Dominican Republic are two countries that share the same island. Unfortunately, the history between them has been one with a lot of up and down.
Lately it has come to the point where both countries are likely to pay a big price economically due to lack of cooperation and vision.
Following the recent action from the Dominican Court to remove the citizenship from many Dominicans with Haitian links, many international organizations have expressed their objections.