Easter celebration in Little Haiti
Here is a picture of the cross carrying on God Friday in the streets of Little Haiti in Miami, April, 2015.
The Christian holiday Easter is celebrated with such wonderful rich traditions around the globe, it's fascinating to learn how different Easter traditions can be in different countries (or even within the same country!). In Bermuda, it started when a local teacher from British Army experienced difficulty in explaining Christ's ascension to Heaven. Bermudians celebrate Good Friday by flying home-made kites, eating codfish cakes, and eating hot cross buns. Norwegians celebrate the season through "Easter-Crime" or Paaskekrim. They read crime stories or watch the televised crime detective series on national television. In parts of Northwestern Europe, people lit large bonfires, called Easter Fires. They believe Easter is a time when spring becomes victorious over the winter and the fires were to chase the darkness of winter away. In Sweden, Easter is celebrated with meals of eggs, herring, and Jansson's Temptation (potato, onion and pickled sardines baked in cream). The inhabitants of the Greek island of Corfu, throw clay pots out of their windows.
Read more about little haiti, Religion, haiti during easter season, Easter, Religion