election results

The 5 Independent Members of the Verification Commission

The 5 Independent Members of the Verification Commission

Here is a picture of the 5 Independent Members of the Verification Commission. The 5 Independent Members of the Verification Commission established - From Right to Left: Francois Benoit, Gedeon, Pierre Wilfrid Sanon, Marc Donald Jean, and Michel Eric Gaillard.

On Thursday, April 28, 2016, at the National Palace, the Provisional President Jocelerme Privert accompanying the Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles installed the 5-member Independent Commission for Electoral Evaluation and Verification (CIEVE). The main objectives of installing this commission are, reviewing previous election processes and results, electoral court decisions, and restore confidence and trust before moving forward with the unfinished election. The five members of the Commission are: (1) Mr. François Benoît, the leader, and former member of the Provisional Electoral Council (2005-2006); (2) Mr. Gédéon Jean, former member of the Independent Electoral Evaluation Commission created by presidential decree dated December 22, 2015 (under the Martelly regime); (3) Mr. Pierre Wilfrid Sanon, designated by the Haitian Association of construction companies; (4) Father McDonald Jean, appointed by the Anglican Church (former senator and member of the Council of the Wise in 2004); and (5) Mr. Michel Eric Gaillard, designated by the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants of Haiti.

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Verification commission at the Tabulation Center

Verification commission at the Tabulation Center

Here is a picture where several members of the Verification Commission took over the Tabulation Center.

On Thursday, April 28, 2016, the Provisional President Privert installed the 5 members Independent Commission for Electoral Evaluation and Verification (CIEVE) to establish credibility of the 2015 election results and restore confidence and trust to participate in the upcoming elections. On Thursday, May 12, 2016, over 60 experts from such commission visited the Tabulation centers to take control over the situation and start their challenging tasks to check the compliance of the voting process, polling and counting in accordance with the Electoral rules. They are working under close observation of the representing political parties. Earlier, it was decided that since it is not possible to check every vote cast by 5.8 million registered voters, the commission would audit the last election process through a 15% random sample. However, as per the recent decision to avoid large sampling error, the sample size has been increased to 25%.

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Creating a Verification Commission for the Election

Creating a Verification Commission for the Election

Toward the creation of a Verification Commission in Haiti.

On Monday, April 11, 2016, the Interim President Jocelerme Privert sent letters to all political parties, whether represented in the Parliament or not, to discuss the establishment of an Electoral Verification Commission. The discussion would start from April 12, 2016, as per the terms of the Commission as mentioned before. The Head of the State has said, it is his obligation to define the role of the Commission based on the consensus of all involved stakeholders to avoid all future crises. We might remember that in last month, even the Haitian Human Rights Leaders, composing coalition of RNDDH, CNO, CONHANE and SOFA, had recommended the necessity of a verification process to uphold Haitians' right to vote and to avoid a major political and electoral crisis.

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Michel Martelly And The CEP Following Run-off Election Results

Michel Martelly And The CEP Following Run-off Election Results

Here is Haiti President elect Michel Martelly following Official results of Run-off election.

President-elected Michel martelly said that the officilal results of the run-off elections of march 20 for Senators and deputees were manipulated

President-elected Michel martelly wants CEP not be recognized and for OEA to create independent commission to review votes

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Electoral adviser at the CEP, Vijonet Déméro

Electoral adviser at the CEP, Vijonet Déméro

Here a picture of the Electoral adviser Vijonet Déméro.

The representative of the Protestant Federation of Haiti (FPH), Vijonet Demero, calls it quit. He resigned from the CEP on Friday, 1/15/16. Vijonet Demero was also the Secretary General of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP)

In a letter dated January 15, 2016 addressing President Michel Martelly, Mr. Vijonet Déméro, the Secretary General of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) and an electoral adviser, representing the Protestant Federation of Haiti (FPH) has submitted his resignation from the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) for reasons beyond his control and has disclosed his plan to return to his earlier role at the Protestant Church. We might recall that in the last December Senator Desras had broadcast on several radio stations that Demero took $ 30,000 for favoring a candidate for deputy. An investigation was initiated by the Federation Ethics Committee, together with other bodies, including the National Defense Network of Human Rights (RNDDH). However, they found no evidence supporting the allegation. His resignation came within a week of the resignation (January 7, 2016), of another adviser Ricardo Augustin, a Representative of the Catholic Church. Ricardo was forced to resign on that day.

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Member of the Presidential Election Evaluation, Me Gedeon Jean

Member of the Presidential Election Evaluation, Me Gedeon Jean

Here is a picture of Me Gedeon Jean, Member of the Presidential Election Evaluation.

Although the Electoral Commission of Evaluation has reported gross irregularity in the October 25, 2015 election, its conclusions and recommendations were well accepted and welcomed by President Martelly's Haitian Têt Kalé Party (PHTK). However, Gédéon Jean, the Secretary of the Independent Electoral Commission of Evaluation (CEEI) is not happy with its simple conclusions and recommendations. He has denounced them and did not sign the report of the said commission, although his name was printed at the bottom of the document. He has criticized the recommendation because he has found the percentage of fraud was alarmingly noticed over 15% of the minutes. He has demanded a thorough investigation of the minutes to purify the whole process from massive frauds. Gédéon Jean is also a representative of the National Defense of Human Rights Network (RNDDH).

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Jovenel Moise running against himself for Haiti President

Jovenel Moise running against himself for Haiti President

Candidate for President Jovenel Moise has a major p[roblem. Just 10 days before a scheduled election, his opponent Jude Celestin made it public that he will not be running. Several demands were made by the camp of Jude Celestin, including reform at the CEP,

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Joseph Pierre Richard Duplan, Mayor of Port-au-Prince

Joseph Pierre Richard Duplan, Mayor of Port-au-Prince

Here is a picture of Joseph Pierre Richard Duplan, Mayor of Port-au-Prince.

Joseph Pierre Richard Duplan, the previous mayor of the capital city Port-au-Prince was a man committed to rebuild the city. He understood that the redevelopment cannot be done without the involvement of municipality citizens. He built community platforms to raise awareness and resolve grievances that the common people are facing. He built several municipal garages in the capital city which helped to decongest various arteries of the capital. Furthermore, under the guidance of the Ministry of Interior, he established a municipal police force to maintain law and order, manage traffic in the city, and to assist the National Police of Haiti.

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Jaccéus Joseph, the CEP Member who did not sign

Jaccéus Joseph, the CEP Member who did not sign

Here is a picture of CEP member Jaccéus Joseph, the only Member who did not sign the results.

Jacceus Joseph Declines to Approve Election Results. Electoral advisors have approved preliminary election results except Jacceus Joseph. No one knows why he did not validate the results.

Politicians think Joseph did not sign because results went against his ethics. Joseph represents the human rights community, but no one wants to jump to conclusions; they want to hear it straight from Joseph why he did not sign.

National Human Rights Network's Pierre Esperance has not heard from Joseph as to why he declined to sign.

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Onondieu Louis, First senator of Nord Ouest

Onondieu Louis, First senator of Nord Ouest

Here is a picture of Onondieu Louis, First senator of Nord Ouest.

The G8 presidential candidates, standing for 49.8% of votes cast, issued a group statement, criticizing the preliminary results as anti-democratic due to suspicions of fraudulent activity, including missing ballots. They say CEP should have organized a non-partisan investigative commission to uncover the many instances of voter fraud, including ballot stuffing, to produce an accurate count.

The G8 said the preliminary results harken back to the time when ". . . official election of dictatorial regimes organized under the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior . . ." posed the threat of destabilizing the island.

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