Jean Michel Hilaire, Head of gang "Haute tension", arrested in Petit-Goâve
Here is a picture of Jean Michel Hilaire, Head of gang "Haute tension" who was arrested in Petit-Goâve.
On Monday, May 2, 2016, Jean Michel Hilaire, the head of the dreaded gang "High Voltage" was arrested along with a dozen of his gang members by Jacques Ader, the Commissioner police of Petit-Goâve. Jean Michel was accused of many crimes and misdemeanors and was on the run for last 8 months. The gang was involved in acts of vandalism, armed robbery, rape and blocking the National road # 2. The gang was based in the 11th communal section of Petit-Goâve. The arrest operation was carried smoothly. The Commissioner with another police officer disguised themselves as doctors and approached the criminal without arousing suspicion and arrested him peacefully without any violence. Jean Michel Hilaire was presented to the police station of Petit-Goâve on Monday and he willfully agreed to cooperate with the police by denouncing his other gang members. Some of his gang members were arrested in last March. The population of Petit-Goâve was pleased with his arrest.
Read more about gang, petit goave - ouest and port-au-prince, gang leader, Petit Goave, GANG-FACE, Crime