Marc bazin

Prime Minister Marc Luis Bazin heading Haiti Defacto government

Prime Minister Marc Luis Bazin heading Haiti Defacto government

Here is a picture of former Haitian Prime Minister Marc Luis Bazin heading Haiti Defacto government.

While Bazin never won the presidency, he was briefly made Acting Prime Minister, under the rule of General Raoul Cedras. The public's reception of this move was not positive, and the problem that was creating such a palpable glass ceiling for Bazin was abundantly clear. Even though he was, like the masses, black, his apparent backing by the U.S. made him unfavorable. Despite his track record of not succombing to corruption, the American affiliation, and his public image as being in league with the bourgeoisie, would hold him back. Bazin settled into life as a popular journalist and commentator, but would continue again to run for president of the country.

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World Bank development economist and Prime Minister Marc Luis Bazin

World Bank development economist and Prime Minister Marc Luis Bazin

Here is a picture of the former World Bank development economist and Prime Minister Marc Luis Bazin

In Haiti, Marc Louis Bazin has somewhat of a reputation of being always the bridesmaid. He's been in the race for President of the country many times for nearly a quarter of a century but has yet to achieve the post. Despite this, Bazin is a well-respected figure in Haitian society and built a reputation even greater for being very vocal against the corruption of the Duvalier regime.

Looking at his track record, the one-time development economist for the World Bank turned finance and economy minister has forged a trail few others have, being one of the only almost permanent fixtures on the Haitian political scene. He ran for president first after returning from the exile imposed on him by his prime minister, Jean-Claude Duvalier. At the time he seemed in the perfect spot for the win, having been exiled by the despotic ruler after he publicly criticized the corruption of the administration.

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Marc Bazin

Marc Bazin

A former finance Minister under Jean-Claude Duvalier, Mark Louis Bazin attempted to fight corruption under Duvalier but admitted thath he was unsuccessful.

During the Aristide era, Mr. Bazin was considered the one who could get the country out of its problem.

He was considered the favorite candidate for the international community and and acceptable alternative to Aristide by the Haitian elite.

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