Lake Festival Supports Eco-Tourism in Natural Park Quisqueya
To promote eco-tourism, a plan for a festival for Natural Park Quisqueya has been approved. The Lake Festival will run August 23rd to September 1st 2013.
Event calendar activities range from art/culture, to ecology/biodiversity, to multi-communal exchanges.
European Union is financing 80% of the festival and the government of Haiti 20%.
One reason for the festival is to increase eco-tourism and help raise local-product exports. The festival will allow visitors to discover unique flora and fauna, part of the biodiversity of the park.
Forest des Pins or The Pine Forest, a Haitian patrimony
What you are looking at is the Haitian Pine forest or as it is called in Haiti Forest des Pins. It is comprised of 32 000 hectares of pine which was reserved in the early twentieth century. However, today, Forest des Pins is only about 6000 today. Massive deforestation of the Pine Forest have affected Forest des Pins this in turn caused every year floods and landslides sometimes deadly terrain.
Staghorn corals found near Fort Liberte
Off the eastern edge of the opening to Fort Liberte Bay is a beautiful wall equiped with somethin special. Staghorn corals are found near Fort Liberte.
With its disappearing tropical forests and ravaged wetlands, it has been a surprise discovery recently about the Caribbean island. The discovery of endangered corals and a rare tiny lizard along its northern coast is threatening an ambitious vision to spur economic growth.