Rache Manyok
The argument for and against Michel Martelly
The government of Michel Martelly has reached a point where the number of people who are not satisfied with his government has increased. At the same time, the government has a large number of followers as well. As the protests against his government has reached a critical point, it comes to the point of: Are you for "Rache Mankoy Bay Ter-a Blanch" or
Are you for "Give Michel martelly a Chance"
Martelly Elektyon ou Demisyon
The pressure has been mounting for the Government of Martelly-Lamothe to have the election by the end of 2013. Many sectors in the population are already protesting, stating that he needs to remove himself from the governmennt.
His biggest challenge will likely be the second Tuesday of January 2014. Many already predicted that at that time there will be a crisis in Haiti