Funeral of Michel Tassy of Septentrional group
Here is a picture taken during the funeral of Michel Tassy of Septentrional group. He became a member of the musical group at the age of 19. He was a lead singer, administrator for 52 years until his death in 2015.
Minister of Culture Offers Tribute to Michel Tassy
Michel Tassy of the group Septentrional died of a pulmonary failure on June 28th. He was 71. The Minister of Culture, Raton, attended a ceremony for Tassy at Cap Haitien's City Hall where his corpse could be viewed.
Raton offered her sympathies to Tassy's immediate and extended family, and also close friends. The funeral was held at the Cap-Haitien Cathedral. Thousands of Haitians, among them government officials, musicians, and devoted fans, were in attendance.
Septen Septentrional And Feut Vert In Cap Haitien
For survival during black outs, Orchestre Septentrional invested in generators. They depended on themselves and did not to involve outside promoters and political patron. To be self dependant they owned night clubs like Feut Vert in Cap Haitien. They also had rehearsal space and business office.