American Ambassador Pamela Ann White
Here is a picture of American Ambassador Pamela Ann White with Haitian president Michel Martelly.
An American diplomat born 1948 in Lewiston, Maine. Prior to her position in Haiti, in November 2010, she was named the United States Ambassador to The Gambia by President Barack Obama. Pamela Ann White was the second Maine woman to serve as a United States ambassador, with the first being Margaret Joy Tibbetts. In January 2012, she was appointed United States Ambassador to Haiti. Other positions include the Peace Corps in Cameroon from 1971-1973. Prior to her appointment as ambassador, White worked for the United States Agency for International Development beginning in 1978. With USAID, White served in Burkina Faso, Senegal and Haiti, Egypt and South Africa. From 1999-2001, she was the deputy director for East Africa.
Read more about united states, pamela ann white, Unites States Haiti relationship