Grotte Marie-Jeanne in Port-à-Piment, Haiti
Here is the location of Grotte Marie-Jeanne in relationship to the city of Port-à-Piment in Haiti
In Haiti in the Coteaux Arrondissement is Port-a-Piment commune. In the southern section of Port-a-Piment stands La Grotte Marie Jeanne, covering two and a half miles of ground.
A three-tiered cave, it contains stalactites, a rose-hued deck, and dangling vines. Archaeological riches have been excavated there, harking back to the indigenous Tainos. To date 36 chambers have been found, with possibly more yet undiscovered.
The entry fee to explore the caves along with experienced guides in $2 USD.
Read more about History, Port-a-Piment, grotte, Grotte Marie-Jeanne, History