King Kino supports Steeve Khawly of BOUCLIER for President
Here is the Human Rights Activist and Lead Singer of the Haitian group Phantoms, King Kino as he supports Steeve Khawly of BOUCLIER for President
Lord Kinomorsa Divers (King Kino) is an exiled humanitarian and civil rights activist and a well known star musician, singer, songwriter. He was born to be a leader. His bright career graph started at a very early age with the singing of Gospel Music in church. He is a disciplined man, never forgot the teachings and disciplines he received in the church. In September 2012, he was an invited guest of the U.S President Obama for a special meeting. Recently, as per news dated October 9th, 2015, King Kino has announced his choice for the new Haitian President; it is Steeve Khawly from the BOUCLIER party. Khawly is a Bachelor in Industrial Engineering from the University of Miami. Ignoring many opportunities abroad knowing life could be easier elsewhere, he has decided to work in his father's trucking company in Haiti because, he says he loves his country and wants to make it better from within.
Read more about artist king kino, king kino, Haiti election 2015, Bouclier, Steeve Khawly, Election