Music of Haiti - Kompa or Compas

Kenny Desmangles in the music video Don't let go

Kenny Desmangles in the music video Don't let go

Here is a picture of Kenny Desmangles of the musical band Zengle. This video was produced with little participation of the group

Does that mean Kenny is thinking at going solo in the future

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Kompa Band Bossa Combo

Kompa Band Bossa Combo

The Haitian band Boss Combo will forever be known for their influence on modern Haitian jazz artists and their contribution to the evolution of Haitian Kompa music in Haiti as well as all over the world

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Carimi And Its International Recognition

Carimi And Its International Recognition

From this point the Carimi band began to gain international recognition not to mention in their home country and in Europe, and America. The first album produced by the Carimi band was voted as the album of the year. They have gone into the records as on the highly efficient Kompa musicians in Haiti and even today their work is continually being appreciated.

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Kompa Music Artist - Sak Passe Ayiti - Shoubou

Kompa Music Artist - Sak Passe Ayiti - Shoubou

This is the picture of the ewell known Haitian musician Shoubou. This great musician has had a long career in the Haitian Music industry. Starting with the group Tabou Combo, Shoubou has represented the Haitian music in so many places outside of Haiti

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Emeline Michel, The Voice And An Acoustic Guitar

Emeline Michel, The Voice And An Acoustic Guitar

Here is a photo of Emeline Michel, The Voice And An Acoustic Guitar.
's most recent album, Cordes et Ame, uses traditional and modern Haitian influences, with a stripped-down production of only her voice and an acoustic guitar.

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This is a picture of t-Micky. Samuel Madistin told Vision 2000 Anchorwoman Marie Lucie Bonhomme that the president pays T-Micky 50,000 a momth for playing throughout the country

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Dieudonne Larose New CD Lanmou Fou

Dieudonne Larose New CD Lanmou Fou

Currently, Larose has a new band, Excell Comp s, and a new CD Lanmou Fou. Two other projects have also absorbed him, a new recording studio for budding musicians, and a book, I Sing for Humanity. In it, Larose writes about human dignity, the confusion surrounding money as the focal point of life's purpose, and his perceptions of other people.

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Dieudonne Larose And His Musical Talent

Dieudonne Larose And His Musical Talent

Here is a photo of Dieudonne Larose And His Musical Talent.
began playing music at a very early age. His parents helped to shape his musical talent. They both had a very positive influence on him at a very young age.

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Dieudonne Larose And Meridional Des Cayes

Dieudonne Larose And Meridional Des Cayes

With the musical band Meridional des Cayes then later with Missile 727, Dieudonne Larose released several albums. His most popular and successful album entitled Mandela was released during that time. That album sold more copies than any others at the time

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Dieudonne Larose

Dieudonne Larose

Dieudonne Larose was at one point with the group Africa Express and then later on to Shoogar Combo. he had to leave the country in 1987, due to the political problems in Haiti.

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