Music of Haiti - Kompa or Compas
Tropicana And International Tour
L Orchestre Tropicana d Ha ti is planning to launch an international tour in a celebration of the band's 40th anniversary. The tour is designed to go round the world and pass through North America, Europe as well as the Caribbean and the main objective L Orchestre Tropicana d Ha ti band tour is designed to reach out and entertain the fans.
Jean Herard, Ritchie receives 2011 Bolo Group Awards
In the first Bolo Group Awards that took place in the city of Les Cayes, Maestro Jean Herard, Ritchie, of Zenglen was the winner. This is a first and one that intends to stay for a while to promote Haitian music. This award was given to Ritchie for is consistency in producing quality Kompa music for generation.
The Bolo Group is comprised of four Bolo brothers, John Jr., Philip and Rodney Julby.
Great Haitian Band, Harmonik
It is a privilege to be associated with such a group of talented musicians. The Haitian Kompa band Harmonik is a secret yet to be discovered by many in the Kompa and Zouk lovers.
I strongly suggest that you make the effort to go and see these great haitians musicians of the group harmonik on stage. I guarentee you that just like me you will be surprised by the amount of talent displayed on stage
Sandro Martelly releases new album as T-Micky
As the President of Kompa took a leave of absence, his son Sandro Martelly, took over as T-micky.
He just released his first music album. Like father like son, the band is called T-Micky to take after the band of his father Sweet Micky.
Even as a young boy, Sandro Martelly is not new to the music world. Since Sandro Martelly has been playng music for a long time, it seems like is the natural replacement for his father in the new President of Kompa.
Bossa Combo Music
This is Bossa Combo. Since the creation of the Haitian music group Bossa Combo, their music has since spread out and gained popularity in other U.S. Canada, France, Dominican Republic, the Bahamas and in all the countries with a large number of Haitians. The music of Bossa combo paved way to the careers of numerous talented Haitian artists
Jean Herard, Richie Receives 2011 Bolo Group Awards For Zenglen
Here is a picture of the leader of the musical band Zenglen.
In a press conference conducted on December 15, 2011, the popular and long time Haitian band Zenglen announced that his maestro Jean Herard Richard, also known as Richie is to leave the band. This actually confirmed rumors that have been circulating in the Haitian music world for the past several Months.
Richie is a huge and talented Haitian musician
Harmonik The Haitian Band
Here is a picture of three members of the group. We are doing a servey of the group Harmonik to see how the audience views them. Do yu think the group has good potential in the Haitian music industry? Another question that is also important for any Haitian musical band. Do you think the group Harmonik will remain together for a long time?
There is always a good reason for any one to be pessimistic about any Haitian Kompa band. Except for a few band such as Septentrional and tropicana that somehow have been able to keep themselves glued together for a long time, most band do not take that route.
Hopefully the group harmonik will prove us wrong
Dieudonne Larose, Je Chante Pour Lhumanite
Here is a photo of Dieudonne Larose, Je Chante Pour Lhumanite.
was not only a musician. In 2005, he published a book in France entitled Je Chante pour L humanite . In 2008, the life story of the Haitian superstar made its debut in the film Mwen Kwe, La Vie De Dieudone Larose or The Life of Dieudonne Larose .