Colonel Henri Nanphy among other FADH Officers
Here is a picture of Colonel Henri Nanphy of the FADH Officers
On Feb. 7, 1986, when the Haitian dictator Baby Doc after the 30 years of own family dictatorship fled the country with his family into an exile, within a few hours of his departure, a five-member civilian-military council led by Lieutenant General Henri Namphy took the charge of the country. Henri quickly established himself on the council as the "first among equals" and served as the Interim President of the Haitian Ruling Body or National Council of Government between February 7, 1986 to February 7, 1988. His government promised free elections and democratic reforms. The first attempt of the election on November 1987, ended with the death of some three dozen voters who were killed in clashes as there was no security forces at the voting places, and instead some soldiers joined civilian thugs in the killing of at least 34 voters. In January 1988, Leslie Manigat won elections, but that was widely considered as fraudulent, and Namphy by overthrowing the civilian President, seized power in June 1988.
Read more about haiti fadh, fadh, coup, Coup D'Etat, Henri Nanphy, History