Hospital Sainte-Thérèse de Miragoâne
Hospital Sainte Therese De Miragoane is next to Miragoâne and is located in Nippes department, Haiti. It is lying in a dire poor state for past few years that needs immediate government's intervention. In the early 2010, Dr. Yves Chouteau on behalf of a special envoy organized by Medical Support Group, Haiti (GAMA) in an order to encourage balanced development of medical facilities between the capital and other cities had concluded that this is a simple big clinic without any hospital structure. Whatever remained then whether medicine, instrument or medical professionals--they were all in depleted, obsolete and inoperative state. The hospital building was damaged, some parts were collapsed. Operation rooms were hardly functional. Even items for first-aid were not readily available. The facility once used to receive 20,000 to 25,000 patients per year including 6,000 pregnant women with diseases such as malnutrition, diarrhea and respiratory infections in children. The hospital also used to receive HIV / AIDS patients with a higher prevalence rate of 9%, compared to 4% in the rest of the country. Internal revenue per month was between 120,000 and 150,000 gourdes at Hospital Sainte Therese De Miragoane while the actual expenditure was more than double. The hospital had no alternative but to incur piles of debts to its suppliers.
More Hospitals in the region:
Zanmi Lasante, Hospital in Cange
Hospital Sainte-Thérèse de Hinche
Hospital Universitaire de Mirebalais, Mirebalais
Hospital Saint-Michel de Jacmel
On October 4th, 2012, the Japanese Ambassador to Haiti, Mr. Kenji Kuratomi forwarded a grant agreement with Haiti for US$17 million for the reconstruction of the departmental public hospital, Saint-Michel de Jacmel as part of the Haitian-Japanese bilateral cooperation. The Japanese Ambassador had declared that through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), his government would construct the main building of the hospital which would consists rooms for consulting services, emergency department, radiology department, operating rooms, maternity and pediatric sections. Modern equipments for the hospital would also be provided by his government. On a tripartite agreement between Japan, Morocco and Haiti, medical staff would be trained with modern obstetric and neonatal emergency techniques.
Rue Exina Gilles - Jacmel, Haiti
3666-3313/ 3463-2648
Other medical facilities in Departement Sud-est, near Hospital Saint-Michel de Jacmel:
Centre Hospitalier Christian Martinez
Hospital Immaculée Conception, Les Cayes
After the devastating earthquake of 2010, the reconstruction of the Maternity Hospital Immaculate Conception of Les Cayes started with the laying of foundation stone on September 12, 2011. The reconstruction project received a funding of 15 million Gourdes from the government and its partners in MSPP (National Department of Public Health and Population) under American support program of Presidential Emergency Plan for Aids Relief. It was decided that a temporary hanger would be converted to accommodate patients. Dr. Marie Josette Calixte did welcome the reconstruction initiative and stressed the importance to improve the future quality of service offered. In spite of insufficient fund and limited facilities, the four departments of the hospital, viz., maternity, pediatric, surgery and emergency had always remained busy. However, the service of the hospital never remained free from criticism, like, Medicines were sold at black market price, medical cares were mostly provided by student-trainees, and many others. However, the patronage of the Cuban government through own doctors and funding were well accepted.
Rue Prosper Faure - Cayes, Haiti
Another facility near Hospital Immaculée Conception in Les Cayes in Departement Sud is the Hospital Saint-Boniface in Fond des Blancs
Hospital Saint-Boniface in Fond des Blancs
The St. Boniface Hospital in Fond des Blancs was founded by Saint-Boniface Haiti Foundation in 1992 with both outpatient and inpatient care to serve over 250,000 local inhabitants. The hospital is certified by the Haitian Ministry of Health and it works in partnership with both government and nongovernment organization. A number of U.S surgical experts from Jacksonville, Florida visit the hospital at regular interval and perform hundreds of surgeries. The hospital also serves remote areas through satellite clinics and mobile outreach programs.
The St. Boniface Hospital with its 60 inpatient beds has a 24 hours emergency room, ambulance, obstetric and pediatric care, dental clinic, operating room and immunization room for children. The hospital also organizes healthcare educational programs and celebrates its anniversary on June 5th on the date of the St. Boniface patron saint.
Fond des Blancs, Haiti
Departement Sud, Cales:
Hospital Saint-Boniface, Fond des Blancs
Zanmi Lasante, Hospital in Cange
In 1987, an American Paul Farmer, most famous for his book 'Mountains Beyond Mountains' about the creation of his Boston-based nonprofit organization 'Zanmi Lasanti' (Haitian Creole for Partners in Health) founded this set up with his friends Thomas J. White, and Todd McCormack to improve the overall condition of health care and services in Haiti. On his first visit to Haiti in 1983, he was very much disappointed with the conditions of Haitian hospitals and dissatisfied with the implementation processes of different foreign aid sponsored health programs. He was attracted to 'Cange' in Haiti because it had redefined the meaning of poverty to him. In 1998, 'Partners in Health' became well-known for their social support network and for works to fulfill the objectives on medical and moral intention concentrating more on solidarity rather than charity alone. It had the credit to launch world's first free, comprehensive HIV care and treatment program.
Departement Centre, Centre, Cange, Hinche, Mirebalais:
Hospital Sainte-Thérèse de Hinche
Hospital Universitaire de Mirebalais, Mirebalais
Hospital Sainte-Thérèse de Hinche
How Hospital Sainte-Thérèse de Hinche was created. While traveling to Haiti in 2003 as a part of a medical team, Ms. Nadene Brunk of Richmond, Virginia Area (who specializes in midwifery and currently the Executive Director at Midwives for Haiti) witnessed the lack of resources and skilled professionals to assist pregnant women. She was shocked and to provide a permanent solution, she formed a small team of medical professionals, volunteer midwives and returned to Haiti. Later on, at the request of a Haitian community leader, with nine students, she opened a nurse training program in Hinche. After a long hard work and overcoming many challenges, their effort "Midwife for Haiti" got recognized as a nonprofit organization in 2006. Today, although Hospital Sainte-Thérèse de Hinche still looks worn, it is clean, adequately equipped and staffed with 16 skilled graduate birth attendants, medication shortage are no more regular incidence. In 2013, they have attended over 2,100 births.
Departement Centre, Centre, Cange, Hinche, Mirebalais:
Zanmi Lasante, Hospital in Cange
Hospital Universitaire de Mirebalais, Mirebalais
Hospital Sainte-Antoine de Jérémie
Hospital Sainte-Antoine de Jérémie is a public hospital located on the Avenue Emile Roumer Bordes, Jeremie that was founded in 1923 to serve the people of Bordes and its neighboring inhabitants. Today, the hospital with its 40 maternity beds and outpatient department serves over 1,000 patients every month. It offers some of the most essential services within its limited scope and ability such as, immunization, serum culture, X-ray, physiotherapy, ultrasound, maternity, emergency and intensive care. The hospital operates 24/7 and the outpatient department is open: Mon - Fri 8 am to 4 pm. Deliveries and C- Sections are free, Surgeries cost 2,000 Gourdes or $50.00. Contact person: Medical Director--Dr. Jean Marie Duvilaire (Tel: 509-3604-9768/ 509-3733 1104) and Administrator: Mr. Gilbert Pamphile (509-3460 9041).
More Hospitals in the region:
Zanmi Lasante, Hospital in Cange
Hospital Sainte-Thérèse de Hinche
Hospital Universitaire de Mirebalais, Mirebalais
Hospital Universitaire de la Paix, Delmas
Addressing Haiti's dire health care needs and training of medical professionals is a real concern for the country.
In 2010, St. Joseph's Health System, one of the largest corporations in Canada devoted to health care, raised $1.7 million fund by an international outreach program and some part of the corpus was contributed to Hospital Universitaire de la Paix.
The hospital has also built a partnership with St. Mary's General Hospital in Kitchener for continuing its medical commitment and training Haitian physicians, nurses and allied health professionals. This unison will also facilitate the procurement of necessary technology, supplies and equipments under different aid programs.
Haiti has long suffered from poverty, corruption, political instability, lack of education and natural calamity. But it is a country which is never devoid of concern by other caring nations. The Hospital Universitaire de la Paix is regularly visited by renowned experienced volunteer doctors from countries like Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, and Canada. Contact: Hopital Universitaire de la Paix: Delmas 33; Medical Director: Dr. Marie Yolaine Noel St Fleur (Tel. : 3 404-0373, Mail : Administration: Mr. Jean Prophète Batichon (Tel.:3754-4017)
Other health facilities located in West Departement, near Hospital Universitaire de la Paix:
Centre Hospitalier Du Sacre Coeur
Diquini Hospital - (Adventist Hospital)
Hopital Asile Francais d'Haiti
Hospital Bernard Mevs
Hospital de la Trinité,
Hospital de l'Université d'État, Port-au-Prince
Hospital de Canapé Vert, Port-au-Prince
Hospital Saint-Damien (Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs), Tabarre
Hospital Saint-François de Sales
Hospital St Louis(Doctors without borders (MSF), French)
Maternity SONUB of Thiotte
Sophia Martelly, First Lady, appeared at Maternity SONUB Thiotte inauguration, and at Center for Obstetric Care of Banane's relaunch. Her second visit to Thiotte, she promised to continue advocating to lower maternal and infant death events.
She encouraged medical personnel at Thiotte to use the reference library to educate Haitian women on pregnancy care and birth preparation. At the Banane ceremony she emphasized the necessity of deciding on a birth control method to stop unwanted pregnancies.
First communal section of Anse-à Pitre - Thiotte, Haiti
More Hospitals:
Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville
Clinique Chirurgicale Lambert Sante, Pétionville
Hospital De Fermathe (Baptist Mission)
Hospital Eliazar Germain, Petion-Ville
Hospital de la Communauté Haïtienne, Pétionville
PULMOMED-24 Hour Life Support
Non-profit Haiti Air Ambulance mission
Here is a picture of Non-profit Haiti Air Ambulance service which offers an emergency air medical service to the Haitian population by providing crisis medical airlifts to emergency centers to residents living in rural areas.
HAA does not require payment from those who can't afford it; it's only concern being the victim be transported as quickly, comfortably, and safely as possible, preventing the possibility of death.
HAA's business model focuses on jobs, training, and contributing support to H
Haiti is not new to devastating events, the likes of which can leave the country crippled in the immediate aftermath, as well as on a longer term. Just four years ago, the massive earthquake gave evidence of this. This month, the country's first helicopter service for emergency medical response became operational. The feat is thanks to the non-profit organization Ayiti Air Anbilans (AAA). Days ago the AAA flew their first patient, and after a visit from First Lady Sophia Martelly, they await the auspicious visit of the Head of State, President Michel Martelly.
The risk of offering medical services in Haiti, during a time of crises and during times of relative calm include geographical obstacles, equipment and the lack of emergency response. It is widely stated that many patients need not succumb but for a failure to get them care in time. The white, blue and red helicopters of the AAA strive to ameliorate this.
The fleet is equipped with modern equipment that can render critical care and even some surgery. On it will fly a trained medical staff that can offer vital triage in a bad situation, while the helicopter routes them to any one of the 15 waiting affiliate clinics. This exemplary, much needed service will be provided to patients, regardless of their ability to pay.
This project came out of the agreement with Air Methods Corporation (AMC) announced around the third anniversary of the 2010 earthquake. The agreement stated that the AMC would give two Bell 407 helicopters (one as primary and one as backup), three pilots and two mechanics. The AAA was to provide the medical equipment and the clinical staff.
Contact: 509 3166-8197 / (559) 475-8515