Hospital Universite D'Etat D'Haiti
On August 1, 2013, the Haitian government in the presence of the U.S., French and Spanish Ambassadors had signed a US$ 41.48 million contract with the International Health Group for Haiti for the reconstruction of the Hôpital de l'Université d'Etat D'Haiti or Haitian State University Hospital (HUEH). The agreement was part of a US$ 83.2 million project to reestablish HUEH where the U.S Government would spend US$ 33.2 million, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) US$ 25 million and the French Government through the Agence Française de Développement US$ 25 million. Preliminary tasks involved in the project were demolition and removal of debris, assessment of the soundness of the undamaged structure of the building and rehabilitation and improvement of emergency services like hospital maternity ward and emergency room. In compliance with the hurricane and paraseismic resistance regulations, the new Hôpital de l'Université d'Etat D'Haiti will have 534 beds by 2016 and its quality of healthcare service will be improved through staff training and right governance. The origin of this hospital dates back to the days of King Christophe's creation of the Royal Academy in 1815. The present faculty that exists today was first established as a private institution in 1902 till it got recognition as a public university in 1905. In 1995, a new private Catholic university welcomed its first class medical students and it became the only medical school in Haiti.
Additional Hospitals in the Port-au-Prince area:
Centre Hospitalier Du Sacre Coeur
Diquini Hospital - (Adventist Hospital)
Hopital Asile Francais d'Haiti
Hospital Bernard Mevs
Hospital de la Trinité,
Hospital de Canapé Vert, Port-au-Prince
Hospital Saint-Damien (Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs), Tabarre
Hospital Saint-François de Sales
Hospital St Louis(Doctors without borders (MSF), French)
Hospital Espoir, Port-au-Prince
The needs for a modern well run good pediatric hospital in Haiti is always great. Hospital Espoir or Hope Hospital has already 20 years of service to its credit. The hospital building that withstood the earthquake of 2010 was first constructed in 1993 to take care of the sick children on an outpatient basis. A year later, in 1994, full pediatric service was ready. Today, the fifty beds Hope Hospital is operating under the guidance of its Medical Director Dr. Max Dernnisante and the Executive Director Dr. Darlene Gousse. After the earthquake, the hospital has added other services like orthopedic and trauma care to meet the needs of patients.
In August 2011, Compassionate Resource Warehouse in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, has donated an ambulance to Hospital Espoir . Besides their regular medical staff, the hospital is supported by outside Haitian specialist doctors. The hospital has two operating rooms, a delivery room, neonatology care, emergency room, departments for ultrasonography, radiology, urology, pharmacy and a laboratory that operates seven days a week.
Some additional Hospitals in the area:
Centre Hospitalier Du Sacre Coeur
Diquini Hospital - (Adventist Hospital)
Hopital Asile Francais d'Haiti
Hospital Bernard Mevs
Hospital de la Trinité,
Hospital de l'Université d'État, Port-au-Prince
Hospital de Canapé Vert, Port-au-Prince
Hospital Saint-Damien (Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs), Tabarre
Hospital Saint-François de Sales
Hospital St Louis(Doctors without borders (MSF), French)
Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville
Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville is located next to Pétionville and is in Ouest Department in Haiti. Maternité de Pétion-Ville has a length of 60 meters. The clinic is supervised by its present Medical Director: Dr. Georges Charles who can be contacted at: 3443-3388 and 3730-8791. The other contact details of the clinic are as follows.
Address: 1, Rue Goulard, Petionville (near Place Boyer), Haiti. Phone : (509) 29 43 11 60 ; (509) 22 26 02 00 and Email
Some more Health facilities in the area near Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville:
Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville
Clinique Chirurgicale Lambert Sante, Pétionville
Hospital De Fermathe (Baptist Mission)
Hospital Eliazar Germain, Petion-Ville
Hospital de la Communauté Haïtienne, Pétionville
PULMOMED-24 Hour Life Support
Grace Children's Hospital and Pediatric Clinic in Haiti
In the early 1960s, when the founders of the International Child Care Jim and Virginia Snavley visited Haiti for the first time they were shocked to witness the sight of dying children in the street from malnutrition, tuberculosis and many other illnesses. They felt God's call to stand by these destitute and opened a small clinic--this is how Grace Children's Hospital and Pediatric Clinic began. For the last 40 years, Grace Children's Hospital has served millions of individuals who came to its door regardless of every circumstance, belief and background. In the beginning there were a handful of beds with limited facilities but gradually the support and capacity began to grow with the thanks to the help of International Child Care, Churches, General Board of Global Ministries and individuals. After the 2010 earthquake, in addition to its continuing regular programs on inpatient and outpatient departments, the hospital served as the main food and water distribution center.
Contact : Delmas 31 # 38, Port-au-Prince Haiti ; Tel: 3727-5579/ 3401-2269,
Hospitals in the West Departement, near Grace Children's Hospital and Pediatric Clinic :
Centre Hospitalier Du Sacre Coeur
Diquini Hospital - (Adventist Hospital)
Hopital Asile Francais d'Haiti
Hospital Bernard Mevs
Hospital de la Trinité,
Hospital de l'Université d'État, Port-au-Prince
Hospital de Canapé Vert, Port-au-Prince
Hospital Saint-Damien (Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs), Tabarre
Hospital Saint-François de Sales
Hospital St Louis(Doctors without borders (MSF), French)
Hospital St. Louis (Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
'Médecins Sans Frontières' (MSF) or 'Doctors Without Border' is a foundation originally created in 1971 by a small group of French doctors in the aftermath of Biafra War who believed that every person has right to medical care irrespective of their belief, race, creed or political affiliation. MSF is an international and federal non-governmental humanitarian-aid organization, winner of Nobel Peace Prize. The Hospital St. Louis at Port-au-Prince, Haiti has ties with the specialist doctors, nurses and medical support staff from MSF who volunteer their expertise to treat the patients of this Haitian hospital in a regular planned way. In January 2010, trauma surgeons and orthopedic surgeons from MSF had volunteered into the nights in two surgical shifts at Hospital St. Louis for 10 days to attend earthquake victims.
Hospital St. Louis (Doctors Without Borders (MSF) presently has 300 beds and is planning to add 200 more beds shortly and this has been achieved without compromising its quality of service rendered. The hospital is located at Delmas 31, Ecole St Louis De Gonzague with full time operational surgical and medical emergencies. The important officials of the hospitals include: Dr. Richard Kayembe,
Address: Delmas 3, Ecole St Louis de Gonzague
Medical Director (Tel: 3491-8707), Mr. Michelle Beck, Hospital Director (Tel: 3491-8739) and Dr. Yann Diplo, Medical Coordinator (Tel.: 3761-4579).
More Hospitals in West Departement to select from:
Hopital Georges Gauvin de Petit Goave/ Grand-Goave
Hospital Sainte-Croix, Léogâne
Hospital Universitaire de la Paix
Hospital Universite D'Etat
Hospital Espoir, Port-au-Prince
Hospital Grâce pour Enfants, Port-au-Prince
Grace Children's Hospital and Pediatric Clinic
Hospital De Fermathe, Baptist Mission
'Hospital de Fermathe' is also known as 'Mission Baptiste d'Haïti'. It is a faith-based non-profit making medical service provider that offers facilities for radiology, laboratory, surgery, urology, dental, optometry programs and tuberculosis sanitarium. The hospital is located on the grounds of the Baptist Haiti Mission, founded in 1943 at Fermathe 62, Pétionville (Tel: 509 2257 3857). The hospital serves the local population as well as the people living in the remote locations. The medical staff operates a 100 bed full service hospital with an outpatient department. The specialist doctors in orthopedic and urology visit regularly 4 times a month. They have plans to include plastic surgery in their fraternity. In 2010, they have partnered with the Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) in coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO) to set up an independent unit for cholera treatment.
More Hospitals in Departement Ouest, Petion-Ville, near Hospital De Fermathe (Baptist Mission):
Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville
Clinique Chirurgicale Lambert Sante, Pétionville
Hospital De Fermathe (Baptist Mission)
Hospital Eliazar Germain, Petion-Ville
Hospital de la Communauté Haïtienne, Pétionville
PULMOMED-24 Hour Life Support
Justinian University Hopital (JUH), Cap-Haitian
L'Hôpital Universitaire Justinien is the main hospital in the second largest Haitian city Cap-Haitien. The hospital is named after a local magistrate Justinien Etienne who is credited for its foundation in 1890 as a hospice that was subsequently transformed into a hospital in 1920 during the occupation of the United States in Haiti. Today, it is a teaching hospital with 250 inpatient beds with training facilities for around 60 students in diverse disciplines such as family medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, general surgery, urology, orthopedic surgery, anesthesiology and otolaryngology. The hospital has a pharmacy, laboratory and radiology services for both outpatients and inpatients. With some financial supports from state and private organizations, the hospital provides some level of free medical care in addition to its fee-based services.
Contact: Rue 17 Q, Cap Haïtien, Haiti. Tel: 2262-1205 / 1206/ 0512/ 2262-1495; Email: michachou2005@yahoo.f
Some additional Hospitals in Departement Nord that are near Hospital Universitaire Justinien:
Hospital Universitaire Justinien, Cap-Haïtien
Hospital Sacré Coeur, Milot - supported by the CRUDEM Foundation
Hospital Bon Samaritain, Limbé
Alyans Sante Borgne, Borgne
Alyans Sante Borgne
Before establishing the Alyans Sante Borgne (ASB) or Borgne Health Alliance clinic in 2006, the only clinic and laboratory for the people in Borgne was run by H.O.P.E (Haiti Outreach Pwoje Espwa). ASB was formed with the partnership of Haitian Ministry of Health under the management of H.O.P.E. Today, the hospital is functioning with 4 physicians, 70 staff and a team of nurses and other health workers and technicians who are mostly local born and have a bond of love for the organization.
The hospital Alyans Sante is constantly striving to attain its primary goal to provide basic and preventive medicine to the entire community; however, they could not yet achieve that due to paucity of fund. ASB has developed specific programs on some of the major health risks at Borgne which are associated with childbirth, neo-natal, post-partum complication and child death. To extend their hands of assistance they have introduced mobile clinics in remote areas.
Contact: ASB at Fond La Grange, Borgne, Haiti.
Some additional Hospitals in Departement Nord:
Hospital Universitaire Justinien, Cap-Haïtien
Hospital Sacré Coeur, Milot - supported by the CRUDEM Foundation
Hospital Bon Samaritain, Limbé
Hospital Bon Samaritain, Limbé
Hôpital Bon Samaritan (HBS) was founded in 1953 as a very basic Christian outpatient clinic and grew to be one of Haiti's principal health centers under the guidance of late William H. Hodges, MD. The hospital is a project under the Fondation HBS which is a non-profit organization partly sponsored by HBS Foundation Inc, Florida. The 130 bed facility of the hospital has above 90% annual occupancy rate.
The ever busy outpatient department of Hospital Bon Samaritain, Limbé is complemented with a full functional laboratory, pharmacy, radiology, maternity, pediatrics, adult ward and surgery. Normal routine treatments include: protein and vitamin malnutrition, thyroid, malaria, respiratory infection, eye infections, skin disorders, diabetes, tuberculosis, chronic heart failure, syphilis and other venereal diseases,
Contact: #1 Anciene Grande Rue, Limbe, Haiti; Phone 561 246 3360 ; E-mail, &
Some additional Hospitals in Departement Nord:
Hospital Universitaire Justinien, Cap-Haïtien
Hospital Sacré Coeur, Milot - supported by the CRUDEM Foundation
Alyans Sante Borgne, Borgne
Hospital La Providence, Gonaïves
'Hospital La Providence' is the only hospital in Gonaïves, the third city with 300,000 inhabitants in Haiti by population. The hospital was devastated by Hurricane Jeanne in 2004. Since then, it is functioning in a deteriorating condition with lack of funds and unpredictable power. We may remember that a development plan for the hospital had been undertaken under the funding from the Canadian International Development Agency to the tune of $17 million through the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The construction work for the building at Morne Blanc has been awarded to Abantia, a Spanish group, in consortium with Buildings Cots and Claret. The new building will have an area of 10,380 square meters and a capacity of 200 beds.
Further, Hospital La Providence in Gonaïves will have one emergency care center, pharmacy, laboratory, four hospitalization blocks, one surgical block, maternity and intensive care unit specially dedicated for newborns. Recently, on 23 May, 2014, the Embassy of Mexico has sanctioned $2.5 million for Haiti with the Ministry of Public Health for installation of 4,000 square meters of solar panels to provide 200 KW power to four priority areas of the Hospital La Providence.
Contact: Rte Nationale # 1 Gatreau (old Care building); Tel: 3527-7622 / 3619 7585
Departement Artibonite, Artibonite, Deschapelles, Gonaives, Pignon, Dessalines:
Hospital Albert Schweitzer Haiti, Deschapelles (Posted already)
HospitalSaint Nicolas, Saint Marc
Hospital Bienfaisance de Pignon
Hospital Claire-Heureuse, Dessalines