laurent lamothe
Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe talking with two young children
Here is Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe with two two young children.
Prime Minister Lamothe Accomplished and Energetic
Former Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe was born August 14, 1972 in Port-au-Prince, member of a cultured and educated family. After completing his basic education in Haiti, he earned a political science degree in Miami at Barry University (1996). He continued on to graduate school at Miami's Saint Thomas University and achieved his master's in business management.
After completing his studies he launched Global Voice Group, a telecommunications company, which has achieved international prominence as a foremost provider of technological solutions. His contributions to the telecommunications industry soon earned him a nomination in an entrepreneur-of- the-year category.
Haiti's Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe resigns as street protests increase
Haiti's Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe as decided to call it a quit by resigning.
Lamothe Replacement needs Parliament Approval by January 11th
Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe has decided to resign after being asked by President Martelly to step down. He will leave with other government ministers as recommended by the Consultative Commission (CC). Lamothe said in his resignation speech, during his time in office the ". . . country has undergone a deep and dynamic transformation . . . in benefit of its people" President Martelly said he has welcomed the CC's recommendation of Lamothe's replacement, but will confer with senior officials to come to a consensus about who will replace him.
The resignation of Lamothe will make the present political stalemate more difficult to unravel: Parliament must approve the new prime minister, and no one knows if a replacement can be nominated soon enough should Parliament need to be disbanded.
Supermodel Petra Nemcova and Laurent Lamothe
This is Supermodel Petra Nemcova and Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe.
The reaction is already mounting for the decision of the Haitian Prime Minister not to look inside of his country to find his mate. Some Haitian women are angry for the fact that the Haitian Head of Government would choose a girlfriend from a country that many Haitians are not even familiar with and not of the Haitian culture.
Ralph Theano at the Lower House
The Minister charged to manage relations between the Parliament and Executive, Ralph Theano was ordered to leave the Chamber by President Jean Tholbert Alexis. This was the result of problems between the Minister and some members of PRI, a block in opposition to the government at the Chamber of Deputy.
Minister Ralph insisted that the security agents did not take him out of the Haitian Parliament and that he voluntarily left the building
Czech model Petra Nemcova and Laurent Lamothe
The 33 year old The 33 year old Czech model Petra Nemcova is now more involved in Haiti. It has been officially announced that she and Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe are not only dating. They are a couple. Many people believe this can only be a plus not for the Prime Minister but also for the country of Haiti. With her high visibility, Czech model Petra Nemcova help move forward the plan which includes building schools and promoting Haiti around the worlda is now more involved in Haiti. It has been officially announced that she and Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe are not only dating. They are a couple. Many people believe this can only be a plus not for the Prime Minister but also for the country of Haiti. With her high visibility, Czech model Petra Nemcova help move forward the plan which includes building schools and promoting Haiti around the world
Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe And Barack Obama
Here is a picture of Prime minister Laurent Lamothe giving a hand shake to the American president Barack Obama.
The involvement of Laurent Lamothe in Haitian political became fast. He accepted a position of Special Advisor to Haitian President Michel Martelly.
As he developed a taste for politic and to avoid conflicts of interest, Laurent Lamothe resigned from his businesses to devote more time to politic. He became a member of the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti CIRH , then Minister of Foreign Affairs before becoming Prime Minister
Liliane Pierre Paul aka Ti Lili and Laurent Lamothe
Here is a picture of Kiskeya Radio host Liliane Pierre Paul aka Ti Lili and Laurent Lamothe. This picture is a demonstration of a friendly hug and kiss between the Haitian Prime minister and Liliane.
Many will look at this picture and and see past positions of the Radio host vis a vis the government of Michel Martelly - Laurent Lamothe and hve many questions
Political relationship, Martelly-Lamothe, Aristide-Preval
Is there such a thing as political friendship? Can a political friend be considered a real friend?
There is a very good reason why I am asking this question. In Haiti as it is the case in many other countries, I see political relationships being formed regularly. Michel Martelly, although he has known Laurent Lamothe well before, they have decided to form political partners. will this new venture end their long time relationship or not?
The Haitian President and his Prime Minister were at one point inseparable. However, in politic, the rules are different. If you dont trust me, go ask Preval or Aristide. Not too long ago, Former President Jean Bertrand Aristide and his Prime Minister Rene Preval were in the same position. Just watching how the relationship between Jean Bertrand Aristide and Rene Preval has deteriorated since President Aristide has left office, i can't help to ask the same question between the Martelly-Lamothe team.
With the Presidential commission recommending the resignation of Laurent Lamothe as Prime Minister, will the relationship remain?
Spray painting of Martelly and Lamothe Picture during Protest
Here is a group of people spraypainting a poster of Martelly and Lamothe during a Protest
Will Martelly call for Elections in January 2015?
Anti-government protestors, who gathered by the thousands in Port-au-Prince last Tuesday November 25th, demanded President Martelly step down. They say he is planning to rule as dictator once 2015 arrives. Protestors concerns are real for it is true Martelly has the option to rule by Presidential decree if elections are not held by January 12th. By that date the terms of Parliament members will run out, forcing a constitutional crisis.
So far state and municipal elections have been delayed three years. Haitians were set to go and cast ballots on October 26th, but a bloc of six senators in the National Assembly refused to pass an electoral law, declaring it unconstitutional.
Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe commitment to disabled people
Here is a picture of the Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe as he is helping a young man with his wheelchair. On this occasion, the Prime Minister distributed several equipment to the disabled
On November 25, 2014, while visiting Haitian Leon Gerard Rehabilitation Institute, the Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe has reiterated his government's unwavering support for the disabled and the people with less mobility, who have so far remained overlooked from most of the government enhancement programs. He has also said that his government has special attention to the disabled, and the government wants to protect their rights in every sphere of the society. Haitian Leon Gerard Rehabilitation Institute is a referral hospital in Bon-Repos. The Prime Minister appreciated the efforts of its trained staff on taking care of the disabled. He also appreciated the contribution of Brazil and Cuba to the institute and distributed equipment to the people with special needs.