Frank Romain Was A Member Of Francois Duvalier And Jean-Claude Duvalier Government
The period of the Duvalier in Haiti is filled with history. Here is the picture of Frank Romain. During this historical period, Romain was a very important figure.
Frank Romain was a Colonel in the Haitian Military under Duvalier. He was mayor of Port-au-Prince, Chief of the National Police under Duvalier. He was associated with the Tonton Macoute force that terrorized the Haitian population during the Duvalier reign. He was a suspect to be involved in the massacre at the Church John Bosco, September 11, 1988, which left 12 people dead and 11 wounded
He managed to leave the country under the government of General Avril in December 1988
Read more about duvalier, port-au-prince, francois duvalier, mayor of port-au-prince, Frank Romain, POLICE-CHIEF, Duvalier - Francois and Jean-Claude