Voodoo priest sexual abused girl to remove bad spirits
Voodoo Priest Has Sex with Underage Girl to Remove Bad Spirits
On June 19, 2015, a voodoo priest named Brogenet Cinor (48) was arrested by the Sunrise police on a charge of sexual battery. The voodoo priest used his position to have sex with multiple women and a minor girl below 12 years of age. He used to exploit the victims' beliefs in voodoo and curses, if they do not follow the priest's instruction and cleanse themselves, they might die. According to the report, these incidences occurred sometime in the 2009 and 2010, but were never reported before September, last year. The tactics that Cinor used to follow was, he used to tell the women devotees, they have been possessed by evil spirits or curse unless they cleanse their sins by seeing him romantically, they would die. Some of the women even got pregnant. Cinor had even paid for terminating their pregnancies.
Read more about Crime, haitian voodoo, florida, voodoo priest, child abuse, rape, Houngan, sexual abuse, Sex Abuse, sexual assault, Spirit, Sunrise, Abuse and exploitation